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Skyrim SE wont save my graphic settings


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So i kept having FPS drops even though i have a very decent PC, i tried Vsync off with vsync & triple buffering on my Nvidia settings, nothing happened. So i said well screw it... I went to my launcher options and set the game to low just to see how the game would run, but it did nothing, no settings changed when i launched the game... i tried changing my settings through nvidia experience, it registers as if all the settings are low, the launcher also sets things on low but my skyrim game keeps launching on ultra... ITS VANILLA... ive tried unninstalling a dozen times, i dont have SKSE because i erased ALL of it to test only the game on vanilla, I have no clue on what to do, im also running the game through steam, i have no mod managers installed... all my .ini files are set to read and write.


Gtx 1080ti


20gb Ram


i5 4670k (this is the oldest hardware on my computer, and my mobo)




Msi z97 Gaming 5


UPDATE: I can change the graphic settings but i keep getting fps drops even on low settings, im testing it with the intro of the game (helgen cart intro) idk if that matters to the stutter

Edited by gabrielpetit
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Try to regenerate your INI files. Go to Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition and rename both Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini to something else. Run the Skyrim Launcher (just run normally since you said that you got rid of SKSE) and it should make new INI files.


You can also try running BethINI.

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