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Should i add Dawngaurd from the start?


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gonna be starting my 1st full playthru of Skyrim. it's gonna be heavily modded and i'm trying to figure out if i should add DG into the mix from the get go, or just first play Skyrim through without DLC. i hear DG can be buggy. i'd like to know because many of the mods i wanna use are either dependent on dg or have dg, non-dg versions. so if i add dg from the start, and things get buggy, i'll have to change around a lot of mods.


so DG from the start, or add it in after a complete Skyrim playthrough? thanks

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I use DG from the start along with the unofficial DG patch and I have had no problems doing so.


To save your self a lot of grief only start adding mods to your save once you have completed the tutorial dungeon.Many mods cause problems with the Helgen sequence.I start a new game with only official content (Dawnguard and Hearthfire) and the three unofficial patches active,run through the tutorial,exit the dungeon and make a manual save - this save is 100% vanilla so makes the perfect point to start modding from.(with the exception of the unofficial patches but I treat these as if they were official content for the purposes of starting a new game)


From that point on mods can be activated but be careful to add one at a time and test your game to see if all works well before adding another.


I also disable all auto saves and never use the quicksave/quickload functions only ever relying on manual saves - always made to a new slot and never overwriting.Beware the auto load upon character death - it is not 100% guaranteed to load everything perfectly - much better to quit the game and manually load last save upon player character death.


If you do not use it already I can highly recommend using TES5Edit to clean Update.esm,Dawnguard.esm and Herathfires.esm (one at a time).These three pieces of official content have many dirty edits that TES5Edit will safely remove for you - leading to an all around smoother gaming experience.


Run BOSS after every single mod addition to get things to load correctly.

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Gopher's most recent video covers automated cleaning and that is what you want to use on the official content.


Do not attempt to clean Skyrim.esm,TES5Edit will not allow that any way.


You should clean Update.esm,Dawnguard.esm and Hearthfires.esm in that order and only one at a time.

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