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Trouble with Landscape LOD generator and TES4LODGen - The don't work


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Whenever I try to use Landscape LOD generator I get a message "1 [info] No batchfile, will read from stdin (type @end for compilation)". I type @end, but nothing happens.


TES4LODGen starts to function, loads somethings, but in the end stops working and the bug report says (among other things): "exception class : EAccessViolation

exception message : Access violation at address 00718A77 in module 'TES4LODGen.exe'. Read of address FF826720."
What should I do?
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I'm no expert but are you talking about Landscape LOD generator in the CS?


It's a long shot but the access violation sounds like it could be permissions on the Data folder or the Data\LOD folder. I've seen recent trouble shooting replies on the TES4LODGen mod formum itself so you could ask there.

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You right click -> properties -> attributes

Both of mine say read only which I thought meant you can't write to it but it works for me so I'm stumped. I would have to use the shotgun approach to troubleshooting which means try everything you can think of. Re-download, try another computer, PM the guy who wrote the program, etc.

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Ok I did it right-clicked the Data folder, but still get the same message. I will uncheck the other mods, but note that I have the Tamriel landscapes, which go beyond the borders of Cyrodiil. Anyway, I 'll let you know. Edited by Dimitrisgb
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Where do I right-click? The Data folder? Or the above mentioned programs?


Ok, I deactivated all the mods, except oblivion.esp, but still it doesn't work.

I get this message: " LOD Generator: <Error: Cannot create C:\Program Files\Gms\The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion\Data\DistantLOD\Tamriel.cmp.Access denied>

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I've searched my Data folder for .cmp files and I have eight that are in the DistantLOD folder. OblivionRD001.cmp through OblivionRD007.cmp and OblivionMQKavatch.cmp. I don't have a Tamriel.cmp. Maybe that is the problem and likely it came from Tamriel landscapes. TES4LODGen will create the entire DistantLOD folder from scratch. Many times I have renamed DistantLOD to DistantLOD_orig then ranTES4LODGen and get a complete new DistantLOD. I would try that and look to see if Tamriel.cmp is in your DistantLOD folder.

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I've searched my Data folder for .cmp files and I have eight that are in the DistantLOD folder. OblivionRD001.cmp through OblivionRD007.cmp and OblivionMQKavatch.cmp. I don't have a Tamriel.cmp. Maybe that is the problem and likely it came from Tamriel landscapes. TES4LODGen will create the entire DistantLOD folder from scratch. Many times I have renamed DistantLOD to DistantLOD_orig then ranTES4LODGen and get a complete new DistantLOD. I would try that and look to see if Tamriel.cmp is in your DistantLOD folder.


I renamed DistantLOD to DistantLOD_orig and I got this messageQ Cannot create C:\Program Files\Gms\The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion\Data\DistantLOD\Tamriel.cmp. System is not in position to locate the set disk route."

Also, Tamriel.cmp is not in the DistantLOD folder.

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