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Trouble with Landscape LOD generator and TES4LODGen - The don't work


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If you're talking about this tool: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/40549

It can't be run just with the EXE alone. It needs parameters, given through readily prepared BAT files for you to choose one from.




Start one of the Windows-bat-files by double clicking on it.

At the moment, 3 versions are supported:


"tes4ll_midres.bat" -> "Mid resolution", 10000 vertex points (leads to 20% more triangles as Vanilla

"tes4ll_highres.bat" -> "High resolution", 13000 vertex points (leads to 80% more triangles as Vanilla)

"tes4ll_ultimate.bat" -> "Ultimate resolution", 18000 vertex points, and a very detailed wall remover (something for high-end graphics cards)


This overwrites your LOD files (hey, did you made a backup?). Your mod list is taken into account. The batch file is written such, that optional parts are automatically included (e.g. a viewpoint in Corinthe and additional vertices for UL Rolling hills around the farm)


If you use MPGUI, you also can go into <Oblivion>\Data\ini\tes4ll and double-click on tes4ll_all.mpb. Here you have a hell of options.


Normal map generation


Use tes4ll_normalmaps.bat, if you don't have MPGUI.


Color map generation (since v4.00)


You can run the build-in TES4qLOD with MPGUI (recommended) or by using the bat-file tes4_tes4qlod.bat.

It's all explained in detail in the description.

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