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incompatible Mods-Workaround?


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First off, thanking for stopping by to take a look at my issue, I am new to modding when it comes to Skyrim, I have been using NMM and its been working great for me except for this issue. I am trying to use lorecraft 4.1, Cloaks of skyrim, LOTR weapons, Scout armor, and better horses mod


so far the only combination I've gotten to work has been LOTR weapons and better horses (which is great! btw, 2 excellent mods)


ideally I'd just like to get LOTR weapons and Scout armor to work together


or maybe Lorecraft (although ive heard lorecraft doesnt even work after 1.6 update?) and LOTR weapons


I'm not sure if the issue is using NMM to install them or if the 2 .esp files are just incompatible?


any help would be appreciated, Id just love to be able to craft some bad ass cloaks and have my lotr weapons haha so much to ask?

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It is always highly recommended to use Wrye Bash when you play with mods. Its Bashed Patch can merge a content of several mods and thus greatly reduce incompatibility among them.



one quick question, since i am already using nmm what steps should i take to switch over to wrye bash? should i just uninstall everything on nmm, then reinstall using wrye bash? will that affect my current save states?


thank you for your help!

Edited by chasemm18
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I do not think you should switch nmm to Bash. They can work together just nicely. NMM is great to install and control mod installation whereas Bash, together with BOSS, is great to maintain your load order.



once again....THANK YOU! You are so kind to help out a noob like me (and very quick response time ha )



cant wait to get off work and try this out!



Thanks a ton

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