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Textures not displaying properly on my imported meshes


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After hours of hard work I have finally got a Dagoth Ur mask mesh put together for use in Skyrim. My problem is this I have made all my textures to go on teh mask quite detailed but when I apply the textures to the mesh with the Creation Kit the mask is all just one colour gold. anyone know how to fix this. Also if I apply my Dagoth Ur mask Textures to another helmet in the CK they display properly lol
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I don't know much about modelling but if the textures display on an existing model then you might need to alter your meshes properties so that the texture will display properly. I'd recommend googling for some more detailed info on this problem. Good luck.
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ok think i gut this sussed follwing the wiki i am told i need 3 textures: text1 normal dds text2 normal map _n.dds and text 3 mask _m.dds. Only problem is the wiki only tells u how to create the first two and does not explain how to create the mask texture. Anyone know hw to do this?
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Just a greyscaled version of your texture (like the specular map in _n.dds alpha channel). It's some kind of "metal" reflection ingame, black = dark, white = bright, grey = everything between.


In PS i normally load the texture, set saturation to 0 - if there are too many white areas (= very shiny ingame) i copy the layer, press CTRL+I to invert colors and set layer blend options to multiply...fills most white areas with grey color.

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Sounds like you have a problem with the UV mapping. Having a missing normal map will not mess up the colors of the diffuse map, but poor UV mapping might.


Right-click on the object in the render window in Nifskope and select "texture->UV map". Check that the points in the window that pops up align properly with the texture and are not some totally messed-up pattern.


Btw, what texture maps are required is totally dependent on the settings in your mesh. You can enable or disable them in Nifskope. To disable the normal map, select the NiTriShapeData block, find the 'number of UV maps" (usually = 4097) and change it to 1. To disable glow map, env map etc, look in the BSLightingShader property block iirc, there are two drop-lists with check boxes for the various settings.

Edited by steve40
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Sounds like you have a problem with the UV mapping. Having a missing normal map will not mess up the colors of the diffuse map, but poor UV mapping might.


Right-click on the object in the render window in Nifskope and select "texture->UV map". Check that the points in the window that pops up align properly with the texture and are not some totally messed-up pattern.


Btw, what texture maps are required is totally dependent on the settings in your mesh. You can enable or disable them in Nifskope. To disable the normal map, select the NiTriShapeData block, find the 'number of UV maps" (usually = 4097) and change it to 1. To disable glow map, env map etc, look in the BSLightingShader property block iirc, there are two drop-lists with check boxes for the various settings.


its says NUM UV sets 0

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0= no UV map so there was a problem when importing to NifSkope or, if it is version 7+ it may have "damaged" it. As he mentioned above, if there would be 1 you could change it to 4097, 0 = won't work. Without texture you just see the model's surface with the shader effects from BSLightningShaderProperties = one (bright) color. Edited by ghosu
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