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Uninstalled Midas Magic, Skyrim crashes after Bethesda logo


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I fear Steve may be right, but you could try making a clean save and then removing it.


With the mod active, load up your savegame and then enter the console (use the tilde [~] key)

Type "coc qasmoke" Don't open, use or pick up any of the stuff in this cell. In fact, don't do anything at all.

Enter waitmode (t key)and wait for 24 hours (game-time, not real-time). If you want to make sure and are the patient type, just walk away from the keyboard at this point and go make a sandwich, surf the web for a bit, and come back in an hour or so.

create a new savegame.

Enter the console again and type "qqq" to quit out of the game.

Remove the mod.

Relaunch Skyrim

Cross your fingers.

If all is well

load your new savegame.

Create a new savegame.

Quit Skyrim again

Start Skyrim, open the console, "coc whiterun" or some other location and, save one last time, resume play.


Don't get your hopes up though.


And, and make sure you don't have any mods dependent on MM of course.

Edited by acidzebra
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Good point. Um...


Do this before you go into the wait mode, from the console:

"set timescale to 50000" in the small cell - then after a few minutes "set timescale to 20".



Hey, it's already messed up, a little timescale messing won't make things worse...


(or follow the instructions in the link Steve provided, probably better)


For the record, I wasn't hoping for cell reset, I was hoping for any active effects to time out - who knows what state this was saved in before he pulled the mod)

Edited by acidzebra
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