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When creating a new npc


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Hi everybody,

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask my question but i think yes so...

How can i make a mod that i made or downloaded from nmm a part of ck like an armor or a weapon in order to customize a new creating npc? For example i've downloaded Gondorian Ranger Armor from Haldir, and i want to create a small army of wanderer followers (i'm a huge fan of Lotr!) but i don't know how to give them this armor...

Any help or suggestion is very appreciated! Thanks and sorry for my english if is not correct, i'm italian!

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I believe that, to do specifically what you want, the easiest way would be to load your companions mod and the armor mod at the same time, with your companions as the active file, and -duplicate- all of the armor. The duplicates should exist in your new mod. Of course, you can't distribute your mod without permission of the armor's creator if you do that, since it's now included with the companions.


The other way is to make the armor mod a master file for your companions mod; there are a couple ways to do that and both require Wrye *ash.


(Standard disclaimer applies.)

Edited by AnkhAscendant
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