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Vault 106 Scariness Mod...


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Well, thing is, I'm an actor, so the actual... Y'know, ACTING part isn't a problem. I can pronounce words correctly and make a sentence flow fairly well... Problem is, I've got a dorky voice. It's usually not so bad in a stage production where you've got a large, open area and you can focus on more than just my voice, but in a game setting where it's recorded (and I sound even more awkward when recorded), I dunno...


Depends on the character, really, but I've got an idea for an entire mini-plot and multi-quest NPC that's SUPPOSED to be an awkward guy, and I'm considering just writing up and recording all dialogue/quest details and shoving it out there for anyone interested (and more talented) to mold into a mod once the CS hits.


If you're curious, I recorded the first bit of this video, though that's pretty rough. I need to get a new mic, I only did two takes, and I didn't spend long in editing. Also, that's not what I normally sound like, in pitch or inflection. I was intentionally going for a slightly cheezy blend of Keanu Reeves and Duke Nukem.



Still, at this point I think anything is better than hearing the same four people over and over. You'd think with the kind of budget that Bethesda has, they'd hire more people!

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Now also the right vault suit. Doh :rolleyes:









Still need to figure out how I can remove the symmetrical pants.

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Well, you could just always not make the pants bloody, and just focus it more on the sleeves... Or, alternatively, move the blood spatter to the outside of the legs so it's not as obvious.



I'm sure you CAN do it somehow, though... I was thinking the Wasteland Surgeon's Outfit has blood on the pants that looks very natural. Maybe try and find the texture files for that and see how they're different?

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If you're curious, I recorded the first bit of this video, though that's pretty rough. I need to get a new mic, I only did two takes, and I didn't spend long in editing. Also, that's not what I normally sound like, in pitch or inflection. I was intentionally going for a slightly cheezy blend of Keanu Reeves and Duke Nukem.


I watched the system shock video and your voice sounds pretty solid, I don't think your voice sounds dorky at all (unless you mean your natural voice, but in the video you did a good job of sounding Matrix-y like Keanu Reeves).


If you've got the free time, it is possible for you to rerecord the dialogue for the insane vault 106 npcs and replace the voiceover files without a CS.

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Thanks! I think I may do that and just throw it out for the first person that wants to tackle this project... Hmmm... I don't even know how to BEGIN looking at the sound files, though, so I'm not sure what all kinds of things they can say...


Like, obviously, there's a "I heard something!", a "I found you!", an "Ow!", etc., but I don't know exactly how many of each or what all of the "categories" are...

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Sounds fantastic, definitely creepier and more insane than the vanilla voiceovers, just as it should be. The only matter now is to find someone who can locate the exact file directory of the Vault 106 npc's voice recordings to replace them with yours, which is definitely a pain in the ass considering the magnitude of sound files that exist in FO3.


Keep up the great work, I look forward to seeing more voiceover talent from you whenever you have the time.

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Instead of the screen going blue for the hallucination scenese, why not make all the lights flicker off for a few moments (and if you're pip boy light is on, have it flicker off, shortly afterwards) and when everything comes back up, it could either be much brighter than before (as if the vault is brand new) or perhaps only the pipboy light pops on and there's someone/something in front of you that you didn't expect or you're in a different room than you were before or perhaps when the lights come back on, the scale on the rooms has been reduced to make it feel claustrophobic. Perhaps instead of pristine flashback type hallucinations from vault 101, you see a sort of worst case scenario of what happened after you left: instead of fighting the tunnel snakes, you're finding their bodies, along with everyone else's. Perhaps a post raider aftermath (with the clive barker-esque bloody hooks hanging from the ceiling.) Also, that hallucination could last quite a lot longer than the rest, allowing you to explore and maybe even fool you into believing that you've somehow made it into 101 instead of 106. Then when it's over, you are suddenly back in the exact spot you were originally before the hallucination started. Perhaps the hallucination ends with a deathclaw jumping at you from out of nowhere.


Also, partway into the vault, for extra creepiness factor, any followers you have are moved back to the vault entrance and set to stay/wait and either won't move or will be invisible until the player reaches the bottom of the vault/has the worst of the hallucinations and then goes back to get them. Of course going along with this would be a blurry black and white flashback when you make it back to them of them delivering their dialogue response from when they are told to wait.

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