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Remove Fog of War?


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Is anybody aware of a way to remove the fog of war?


I've played through a few times and am not interested in cheating, but would like to see how the AI works when out of sight of my troops. I'd assume I could boost the sight range of my guys, but that wouldn't solve LoS issues and may change their behaviour if the game knows that I see them.

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I first thought a SightRadius increase from 27 to 31 works fine but unfortunately, I first noticed in a large battleship much later that the game crashes in the lowest level. Maybe you remember the room with the many gravitation lifts at beginning there. Down there on the floor, the game sadly can’t handle ranges of 30+ anymore.

I’ve tested new radii with a fresh recruit and restarted this battleship map several times. Alas, the sight radii are stuck with previous veteran soldiers, so can’t be change anymore afterwards once they are recruited…as long as you don’t know how to hexedit the saved games.

The lowest level there could be avoided as player, but the aliens moving down there can also cause these crashes.


If someone is interested in increasing the SightRadius of characters (and weapon ranges) then 29 looks stable down there and most likely in all previous maps too, but I haven’t tested this in the Temple Ship yet. It's only a marginally increase compared to vanilla but better than nothing.

Can't imagine removing the fog of war can be done so easily if the game is so sensitive about the SightRadius alone.

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