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A non-combatant follower


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I have not gotten into making followers as there are literally hundreds of those available and I no longer play with a follower due to always killing them or they breaking my stealth etc...


However, I would play with a "follower" who was more of a squire or page. By that I mean someone who would carry my extra sets of armor/clothing & weapons, to hold my horse and stay out of combat. They would not follow me into a dungeon, but would instead make their way to the exit (if different) and be there waiting (hopefully) with my horse (if I have one) in tow.


They wouldn't have to be essential & invulnerable if there were a ready supply of persons to take their place, otherwise essential & invulnerable is a must.



Is this a doable mod? Would anyone be interested in taking it on? And if not, anyone interested in literally walking me thru it? I can make an actor but I don't know a thing about how to make it do anything other than stand still and pretend to be a mannequin.

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