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Nexus Mod Manager: Unrecognized Gamemode


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I just got Skyrim and played for a bit and so I decided I wanted some mods, I started up Nexus mod manager, rescanned for games and confirmed the correct location of skyrim. Everytime im on the nexus and click "add mod to manager" a message comes up saying if I want to allow Nexus mod manager, Confirming it. Within a Few seconds this message shows up




Nexus Mod manager is not setup to work with Skyim. If skyrim is installed, rescan for installed games in the change game toolbar


I did what it said, but it still says that.


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NMM requires a legal game run through Steam.

If you have that, did you install the game in anything other than the default steam location?


Yeah Its in Computer/ Local disk (c:) / Program files (x86) / The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim /

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http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f351/charonn0/ohgeez-1.gifAs said by Georgiegril

NMM requires a legal game run through Steam.


As you don't seem to be running through steam, your copy is not legal

Bannned for piracy

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I'm having the same problem but with Fallout 3 GOTY and i bought it on steam by the way.


When i scanned for games on Fallout 3, it doesn't appear and i have to put it on manually and after that The Pop Up appears when i tried to start up the game.

Edited by Nikeal
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