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Lets Have Aging


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The idea is simple. You only get a certain amount of time to complete the game before you die of old age. Lets say... 3 weeks worth of solid gameplay before you kick the bucket. Your characters body ages over time with you getting older and older until you either beat the game or get the (RIP) message where you died before finishing the questlines thus dooming the world to being destroyed by Alduin. Its the ultimate test of realism.


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Let's do some math to see if either your character could live forever or if he/she will die in a few months at most.


3 solid weeks of game play

24 hours a day

24 x 7 = 168 hours in a week

168 x 3 = 504 hours in 3 weeks


Now let's say your save has not corrupted at 504 hours (wow), Skyrim time is not the same as real time. 1 real time minute = 20 skyrim minutes.


504 x 60 = 30240 minutes of REAL TIME


30240 x 20 = 604800 Skyrim minutes.


604800/60 = 10080 skyrim hours.


10080/24 = 420 skyrim days


So depending on how old your character is, it could work, but i'd venture to say your character is not 70-80-90 years old. It's a nice theory which sounds good on paper, but in practice you'd have to stretch the time to astronomical lengths (maybe 2 months of solid game play)


EDIT: I really hope i didn't make a calculation error, that would be very embarassing

Edited by frakle
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