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Imperial BlackOps Mod


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Ok, here's my thoughts as per story, we disclose nothing on this forum, except maybe teasers and such or REALLY general ideas that don't spoil the fun, and how about we swap emails? mines [email protected] That way we can send whatever we have for the story back and forth. I have some good ideas for a couple of quests that I've already written I'll send them to you sometime this week (I can still be a little active at my mom's on dial up[ugh])
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Forgot to upload my screens. Anyway, here's a few ideas if you're interested.

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very nice if i recall correctly i have seen one of the on your metal gear awsome remix?


+ nice sig Sly its quite romantic



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very nice if i recall correctly i have seen one of the on your metal gear awsome remix?


+ nice sig Sly its quite romantic




Um, these are MGS 4 mix and Splinter Cell mix.


P.S. Thanks about the sig! Shadow-cat's just plain cute to me. That's it. :wub:

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very nice if i recall correctly i have seen one of the on your metal gear awsome remix?


+ nice sig Sly its quite romantic




Um, these are MGS 4 mix and Splinter Cell mix.


P.S. Thanks about the sig! Shadow-cat's just plain cute to me. That's it. :wub:




Now I really like the white outfit for snowy stuff. However the headgear and guns are a no-no in this mod.

Did you make these? :)

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i have been out of the loop here, for the past few days with the holiday in all. where does this mod stand, where do not repeat an idea that is already in motion. armor, weapon, and those wonderful toys.


weapon are pretty much, just long swords, daggers, crossbow or bow, 2 hander just really do not fit this mod unless it is 2 hander that relies more on agility than power. To bad there isnt animation for stealth kill with your hands. A bit of wire to do the deed, or your hands to snap the neck.


those wonderful toys, not found in general oblivion

maybe add some duel wield

the ability to make the stealth sort kill it once hands

poison, just your weapons..

early forms of Hand grenade : (Byzantine soldiers learn that Greek fire, a Byzantine invention of the previous century, could not only be thrown by flamethrowers at the enemy, but also in stone and ceramic jars. Later, also glass containers were employed. Byzantine made hand grenades with Greek fire in the 10th to 12th) http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c5/Liquid_fire_granades_Chania.jpg/709px-Liquid_fire_granades_Chania.jpg

Alchemy side of things, the use of early gunpowder would have to make it before you could use it. ( can you really rule out in the world of oblivion that they could not discover this by chance)


New advancement in the Empire used as trail, with the black ops Skyrim Fire, blackpowder, medical science, alchemy. As science overtakes the old ways, black ops are always the most advance in the empire..

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Now I really like the white outfit for snowy stuff. However the headgear and guns are a no-no in this mod.

Did you make these? :)


I didn't mention you need to take the guns or goggles, I was showing examples, ya know. Maybe if you could, you can make dwemer material out of these, either way. It's up to you whether you want modern or elder scrolls lore.


So, yeah. Those are a few examples of what I did for my agency factions. I did make the SC-20K, and the BR56 Battle Rifle btw.

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Now I really like the white outfit for snowy stuff. However the headgear and guns are a no-no in this mod.

Did you make these? :)


I didn't mention you need to take the guns or goggles, I was showing examples, ya know. Maybe if you could, you can make dwemer material out of these, either way. It's up to you whether you want modern or elder scrolls lore.


So, yeah. Those are a few examples of what I did for my agency factions. I did make the SC-20K, and the BR56 Battle Rifle btw.

Dwemer guns already been suggested Slyther.

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