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Fo4 edit Armor /clothing armor rating


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I've been messaging around with fo4 edit , when I tried editing a clothing value I saw a record armor rating

What exactly does it do ?

I found out the different damage resistance values below that in a different record , the resistance value show up in game , but I don't see the armor rating in game

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Heya Shadow! THAT was a good question! I looked it up, and compared that value on a couple of different pieces. That value is always listed in FNAM.

So then I'm thinking.... "Ok, so what is FNAM?"

I looked that up.



9. FNAM - determines where the COBJ will be placed in the workshop menu. There's a wide variety of workshop keywords, and you will want this to be set correctly if you want to find your items. They are generally named in a logical manner, so choosing the right one is not too difficult.



Sooooo essentially, it really has nothing to do at all, with how much protection the armor gives.

However, since you've been tinkering with it, you should go back and compare your modified item vs the original item, so that you can reset it back to what it used to be. Since it's a workshop item listing, and all :wink:


Thanks for asking this, Shadow! Ya made me learn something today :D


Edit- Also, yeah. It's those damage resistance modifiers that add remove damage protection, by the type of resistacne that you set it for. EG- physical, poison, electrical, radiation, etc.

Note however, that if you set a value on a piece of armor/clothing that takes up the ENTIRE body, like a suit.... EG Vault Suit.... those values will be divided by the number of of body item slots the armor/clothing takes up on the body. So if for example, you set a suit for ohhh say.... 100 physical resist, it could end up being something like 20 physical resist, in game.

Edited by StormWolf01
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Thanks much , that makes lot of sense now , and btw

"So if for example, you set a suit for ohhh say.... 100 physical resist, it could end up being something like 20 physical resist, in game."

Does this show up as 20 in the pip boy or shows up as 200 and the game calculates it as 20

Edited by shadow7x
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Edit 1 : after more fiddling , just found that armor rating is a % value that increases physical damage resistance (ie)

if armor rating is 100

physical damage resistance is 100

Total resistance = 200

If armor rating is 50

Total resistance = 150


Let me know if I am wrong

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Thanks much , that makes lot of sense now , and btw

"So if for example, you set a suit for ohhh say.... 100 physical resist, it could end up being something like 20 physical resist, in game."

Does this show up as 20 in the pip boy or shows up as 200 and the game calculates it as 20

Ok, take the vault suit for example. A vault suit uses multiple body slots. But, only one area for protection settings. So, if we've got that set for 100... it's going to assign part of that 100 for the chest/torso, one part of it for each arm, and one part of it for each leg. In essence, dividing that 100 by 5. So since we have 5 areas this armor covers, each area that gets the protection, only gets 20 points.

So in the pip boy, you'd see that your guy has 20 on the arms, 20 on the legs, and 20 on the chest.

I hope that makes sense.



Edit 1 : after more fiddling , just found that armor rating is a % value that increases physical damage resistance (ie)

if armor rating is 100

physical damage resistance is 100

Total resistance = 200

If armor rating is 50

Total resistance = 150


Let me know if I am wrong

OoooOOOoooooo!!! This is INTERESTING to know! :woot:

I'm gonna be fiddling around with an armor ring here in the next couple of days. I'll take a look into that! :D

If that's the case, I definitely apologize for giving bad info. Like I said, that's what I could find on FNAM.

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You are right its a percentage. The game has a base armor rating for each armor same as a weapon has a base damage value. The OMODs use a multiply + Add formula to come up with the next value. It takes everything into consideration i.e for weapons recoil properties belong to both stocks and barrels so itll add the recoil from both of those to the forumla. 1.0000 = 100% 0.05000 = 5% adding a - will subtract that percentage (i.e -0.10000 = -100%). +100% also equals 2x that of the base values and +200% = 3x and so on.
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Thank guys !!!

Fiddled around even more and things get confusing lol !

When I change physical damage resistance it shows up on resistance section on right side of the pip boy but doesn't show up on the total armor on the bottom

When I change armor rating it shows up on the total

Edited by shadow7x
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