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Looking for a mod


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Are there any mods that force a follower to back up if you continually run into them? I know theres a built in function, but if they're in combat that doesn't - for me - seem to happen, and in non-combat situations it takes a *very* happenstance way of working.

really annoying in tight quarters.

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There is this mod



I use the less wait version and at least in non-combat situations when I do have a follower they move out of my way fairly quickly.


As far as in combat, I don't know if that is even possible. I think that once fighting starts their AI changes and they become totally oblivous to your presence unless they step in front of your arrows and get hit.

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OMG that's better than nothing. i have AFT to cut down on most of the follower stupidities, but this one seems to be annoying me a lot lately. Didn't actually think of that search term, so thanks.. :)
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