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cant choose female character


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i'm having trouble creating a female character, I choose the race then I try and pick female gender, the game lags then crashes ti desktop. I doesn't matter which race i choose, even happens with no mods active, though not always, so i'm not sure where to even start with this. anyone else having this problem? If anyone can help with this i would really appreciate it.
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This usually happens when you have many appearance mods or when you are using a custom body/skin replacer. You can fix this with a certain mod which changes the starting race from Nord Male to Breton Female, can't remember the name but I'll post the link when I find it.


EDIT: Here is the link


Edited by Hellscreamy
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This is usually the fault of having too many female oriented cosmetic mods in place during Character Creation especially the Apachii Sky Hair mod. Disable all of your hair mods before creation. Create your character however you wish. After leaving Helgen Keep re-enable your hair and cosmetic mods and finish your character creation using ShowRaceMenu Alternative.




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