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I was sick awhile back and got out of the routine of playing Skyrim. I promised myself that I would get back into it when the new Vilja was released. Now that she's here I have no more excuses. Oh, the adventure we'll have together!!





Just installed Vilja. Played for two hours. Simply amazing, already. I cannot wait to see more.


And lo and behold - our first quest together involves me heading off with her toward Windhelm, of all places. I hear there's a bitter dark elf hiding in a tavern there. Claims he's the last member of House Dres, if you can believe that. Oh, this is setting up to be a grand adventure indeed.


Seriously and sincerely: Thank you modding community. Your ability to revive interest in a game I thought I had long since tired of never, ever ceases to amaze me.

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