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Removing Spells after adding ALL Spells?


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When I first started playing I used the console command to add all spells. Now they're annoying me a making it hard to play the game. Lesson learned! Is there an easier way than removing them individually using the formID? Or am I really going to learn a hard lesson?




S. Platter

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As far as I know, you can remove spells with console commands too. "player.removespell ID" if I remember it right (without the quotes of course). That will work only with default spells though. You can find more about removal here: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Spells#D..._in-game_spells


Also if you want to remove them fast, I know there was a mod to remove spells. Not sure whether it's still on TESNexus or not or how exactly it worked, I guess your best bet is to try the "Mod Detectives" topic.

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