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If it doesn't already exist... Weapon Clipping Issues


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I've been getting extremely bothered lately by the way certain two-handed weapons clip with my character's body in Skyrim lately. I could deal with the bows and arrows that "floated" on my back, I could deal with weapons cutting through certain odd clothes/armor which I rarely use, but just lately in using two mods (Fiora Blood Armor and Clare's Claymore) I just couldn't take it anymore.


I've looked around but I can't find any mods searching for "clipping" or "greatsword fix" which might resolve this issue. Could someone please adjust how weapons interact with the character when sheathed? I think I speak for everyone when I say that it's really breaks immersion to see a sword cutting through your female character's ass.



The instance that drove me over the edge. I know this one is mod specific, but I the problem isn't this small. Links to relevant mods: Fiora Blood Armor, Clares Claymore



The infamous floating crossbow.



Crossbow bolts in ass. How disturbing.



Would you like some greatsword in your arrows? HERE YA GO. (Possible easy fix for this is to just get a mod that makes it impossible to equip arrows when two-handed melee weapon is equipped, but that might annoy some folk, iunno)



If someone really wants to fix this right they'll develop straps/sheath/something that the swords, hammers, and waraxes actually connect to. It's really unrealistic to just pretend to sheath a sword on your back and for it to just stay there. UNLESS YOUR BACK IS REALLY STICKY. Dragon glue anyone?



Another fur ruined, damn. Gotta go kill another bear now I guess.



Volendruug: "The asshammer"



Sorry if my sexual innuendo is offensive to anyone. I'm just frustrated with this flipping clipping stupidity.





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I don't think that this is possible...this is how the system works: Your weapon is attached to a bone, in fact - when you equip the weapon you pick up the bone. So this bone is located at your back. So when you just change the weapon's position, the position in your hand would change as well - so impossible. Changing the bones location in your characters model - wouldn't fit all swords neither, there are so many different shapes and sizes out there. Moving it away too far would fix most clipping errors but most smaller weapons would float in the air.


Afaik the weapon's collision box is not active while equipped, even if you could change that - the game's collision boxes in general are very rough shaped so it's a no go.

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I found a mod which adjusts things to make them a bit more bearable.


I still think it would be probable to create a mod which would redefine some custom slots for less clipping with certain weapons, or just adjust slots in real time.


Regardless, I think it's doable but no one cares enough to do it.

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  • 3 months later...

I found a mod which adjusts things to make them a bit more bearable.


I still think it would be probable to create a mod which would redefine some custom slots for less clipping with certain weapons, or just adjust slots in real time.


Regardless, I think it's doable but no one cares enough to do it.


I really, really hate the clipping which happen between 2-H swords and armor, even the stock armors skyrim came with in the first place, like the ebony backplate and the new nordic carved. Really beautiful armors but ruined by this issue. Can you please tell me the name of the mod you mention which partially solves this? And can anyone attempt to make a mod to try and atleast resolve the normal armors at least, not the modded ones? I would, but lack both time and experience in modding. Would gladly offer as a beta tester though

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This is actually pretty easy to fix, if you don't mind the weapon in some cases sitting a little farther away from your back. Using the creation kit, open up the esp of the armor you want to change. Scroll through and find the armor in the object window list, double click it to open its properties. Then, near the bottom right is a box labelled Models, with the armor's name with aa at the end of it, the stormcloak armor for instance says SonsCuirassAA. Double click that and it'll open up the ArmorAddon window. Right below the box for the ID is a box called Weapon Adjust. This value determines how far away a weapon sits from your body when sheathed, and can be adjusted so greatswords don't clip into your bum and that sort of thing. A higher value translates to the weapon being further from your body. A lot of the game's default armors need this treatment, it was the first thing I did when I started playing the new DLC.
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This is actually pretty easy to fix, if you don't mind the weapon in some cases sitting a little farther away from your back. Using the creation kit, open up the esp of the armor you want to change. Scroll through and find the armor in the object window list, double click it to open its properties. Then, near the bottom right is a box labelled Models, with the armor's name with aa at the end of it, the stormcloak armor for instance says SonsCuirassAA. Double click that and it'll open up the ArmorAddon window. Right below the box for the ID is a box called Weapon Adjust. This value determines how far away a weapon sits from your body when sheathed, and can be adjusted so greatswords don't clip into your bum and that sort of thing. A higher value translates to the weapon being further from your body. A lot of the game's default armors need this treatment, it was the first thing I did when I started playing the new DLC.


dude, you deserve a 6-pack of beer for this! just did this, and wow, everything is now the way it had to be in the first place! so much better than having a greatsword cutting through your back! playing about with different values until you hit the softspot, and now the nordic carved armor is kickass! still waiting for a high-res retexture though, vanilla textures are bleq, considering im using amidianborn's textures!


once again man, thank you!

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  • 4 months later...

This is actually pretty easy to fix, if you don't mind the weapon in some cases sitting a little farther away from your back. Using the creation kit, open up the esp of the armor you want to change. Scroll through and find the armor in the object window list, double click it to open its properties. Then, near the bottom right is a box labelled Models, with the armor's name with aa at the end of it, the stormcloak armor for instance says SonsCuirassAA. Double click that and it'll open up the ArmorAddon window. Right below the box for the ID is a box called Weapon Adjust. This value determines how far away a weapon sits from your body when sheathed, and can be adjusted so greatswords don't clip into your bum and that sort of thing. A higher value translates to the weapon being further from your body. A lot of the game's default armors need this treatment, it was the first thing I did when I started playing the new DLC.

Man...you save my life lol. As a player who doesn't touch creation kit at all.

I use your method to fix most of clipping issue.

Thanks a bouch man.


BTW, does anyone know how to fix the clipping of the armor mod"royal deadric armor"?

I can't get it done with modifying the value of weapon adjust.

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  • 7 years later...

This is actually pretty easy to fix, if you don't mind the weapon in some cases sitting a little farther away from your back. Using the creation kit, open up the esp of the armor you want to change. Scroll through and find the armor in the object window list, double click it to open its properties. Then, near the bottom right is a box labelled Models, with the armor's name with aa at the end of it, the stormcloak armor for instance says SonsCuirassAA. Double click that and it'll open up the ArmorAddon window. Right below the box for the ID is a box called Weapon Adjust. This value determines how far away a weapon sits from your body when sheathed, and can be adjusted so greatswords don't clip into your bum and that sort of thing. A higher value translates to the weapon being further from your body. A lot of the game's default armors need this treatment, it was the first thing I did when I started playing the new DLC.

for anyone that didn't understand this, I just made a video fixing it!


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