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Last Update killed creation kit! HELP!


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Seems My skyrim was just updated via steam

and now because of it my creation kit will not load any files all im getting is this message http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/249/52278732.png


ive re installed the ck to no avail ,and cant find any info on the matter what so ever using google.


Apparently you shouldn't run CK until it is updated too. http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1420405-18-is-live-disable-updates-and-dont-open-skyrim-to-keep-modding/

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Why they could not either update the CK before going live with the patch, or announce the go live date in advance so that we could go offline on Steam I do not know. I am so snookered with my mod. Thanks Bethesda *sarcasm*. The worst thing is, the patch does virtually nothing and certainly not fix the serious bugs, so it ain't much of a bargain.
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Why they could not either update the CK before going live with the patch, or announce the go live date in advance so that we could go offline on Steam I do not know.


I have to agree with the guy on the Beth forums who suspects that they wanted to rush the update to the consoles. It'd fit in with the pattern of console favouritism that seems to be the norm at Bethesda these days.

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I was working in the Creation Kit when I noticed Steam was updating Skyrim and I can still open the Skyrim .esm. The sword I was working on loads into Skyrim and is useable...except for the fact that its invisible. Honestly at this point I'm not sure if I screwed up or if it was the update because the sword looked fine in NifSkope. I did notice when I went to test the sword in Skyrim that the update screwed up my version of the Skyrim Script Extender, I'm running the latest version of SKSE.
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You could try editing your EditorPrefs.ini file and remove Update.esm from the list of assets to load. This is only feasible if your mod is not mastered to Update.esm.

Nb. I haven't tried doing this, so it is just a theory at the moment.

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So Im not crazy after all. Sometimes i think this kind of stuff just happens to me :unsure:. Does anyone have any idea when the CK update will be released? I would like to know how many days back this is going to set me. My mods WAS about 48 hours from release :wallbash:.
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