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Last Update killed creation kit! HELP!


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agh! i'm kinda glad it isn't just me, cuz i would never figure it out on my own, but this really......stinks. couldn't they tell during beta that the CK wouldn't open? guess that'd be asking too much.... i also love how steam had y'know, news (aka any info at all) about the update... grr.


i'm never going to remember all the fixes i have to make to my mods if i have to leave them alone for more than 24 hours! :P any bets on how long it'll take to get fixed?


sorry. i just wanted to commiserate, but guess i'm a little too irritated. i'll be quiet now... :)

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Ohh dear..


I released a fix for one of my mods yesterday, tested it thoroughly before release to see that it worked, then I get someone informing that they have just started experiencing said issue..


So I go back into my game with my UNCHANGED esp, and there it is.. the problem is back again, after I saw with my own eyes that it was resolved..


Around this time I noticed the little steam pop-up (bottom right) saying that Skyrim has finished downloading..


Is this likely to be related do you think? I cant see another reason..


Edit: My mods were not mastered to Update, just the Main file and the active file were loaded..

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Just Right Click on your 1.8 Update.esm and go to properties. There should be an option to revert to old version there. Take that Update.esm and replace it with your 1.8 taking the 1.8 ESM and putting somewhere you can find later. Just swap them out one to mod and 1.8 to play.
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Unfortunately they seem to take a couple of days to update the CK. I would like to think that they do it that way to allow some bugs to pop up and be fixed before it gets into the CK where it could cause potential disaster to someone's mod. A bug fix may not be able to reverse what has already been done. But until they share the actual reasoning for the delay in patching the game to patching the CK (fat chance), I suppose it is a mystery.
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Grr, this really pisses me off. If bethesda wants to have a good modding community, and get all of the sales they get for their games specifically because of mods being available, they need to start supporting modders. Between steam workshop, stuff like this, CK being awful and buggy, and other things, I'm really wondering how bad it will be in the next game. :wallbash:
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To all those suggesting to reverting to a pre-patch version of the Update.esm, my question is this:


If you use an older version, how will that affect the mod you're making? How will you ensure the mod is compatible with the patched and updated game? Won't you just have to go back in and re-do a lot of things, if you go that far?


I know it's frustrating to be stopped in your tracks, as someone above me said. Heck, I was on final round of testing, tweaking, and cleaning, and almost ready to release after a summer of learning the changes between Skyrim and Ob, and of learning *gag* papyrus. I'm frustrated too! But I just have this nagging feeling that going backward on the Update master will add problems and not solve them.


I do have to agree with another person above me too, though... Bethesda says it lubs us, then they do... this, and steam, and... yeah. If you really loved us, you wouldn't make us jump thru so many hoops! Or... you'd at least not make them flaming hoops of death. Meanies!

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For future reference:



1. Go to Steam

2. Go to your Game Library.

3. Right click the game and go to properties.

4. Go to Updates

5. Select "Do Not Update Automatically"


Second, unless you have a very good reason for it, don't make your mod dependent on update.esm





all of the sales they get for their games specifically because of mods being available


Given all of the attention Beth is paying to console users at this time, I think you may be overestimating that number, whatever it is.






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