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CTD at Mzinchaleft


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So my Skyrim consistently CTD's whenever I go remotely near Mzinchaleft, and for the life of me I can't figure out why. I've tried removing all mods, pcb-ing (which normally solves random CTD locations for me), resting 30 days, clean saves. The works. Yet it persists.


Only changes I tried recently is uninstalling Skyrim Monster Mod and upgrading to 1.8 beta patch. Crash still happened when I reactivated MoMod, so I'm guessing it's to do with the patch? Any thoughts?



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I'm guessing it is a script or a mod conflict from skymo (and/or skymo conflicting with another mod that alters that location). To test that, you would have to completely uninstall the mod according to the mod authors instructions, make a clean save (preferably in an indoor location) and then revisit the spot you are having the CTD. If the crash is gone, then you will know there was some sort of mod issue/conflict. If not, there could still be an issue related to scripts that were not completely removed.
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I'm guessing it is a script or a mod conflict from skymo (and/or skymo conflicting with another mod that alters that location). To test that, you would have to completely uninstall the mod according to the mod authors instructions, make a clean save (preferably in an indoor location) and then revisit the spot you are having the CTD. If the crash is gone, then you will know there was some sort of mod issue/conflict. If not, there could still be an issue related to scripts that were not completely removed.


Thanks, I'll give that a try.


Forgive the probably silly question, but is there a difference between (In the Mod Manager) disabling a mod and completely deleting it?


Edit: Ok, completely deleted the mod, made a clean save (indoors) - still crashing. Anything else you think I should try? Would reinstalling the game work? And if I kept a backup of saves, and then used them, would the problem persist do you think?

Edited by Jascanity
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