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Real Dead Body Carrying


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Honestly I don't even care about animations, as long as there's functionality, I'm all for it.


You could make it like, if you crouch and activate a dead body, a dialogue menu will pop up like "Pick up *insert name here*? And if you click yes, the corpse disappears and you'll find it in your inventory. Then you just drop it like you would any object and the corpse will drop to the ground in front of you.



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  • 2 weeks later...

The animation woudld 'do it' for me...Either fireman's carry (harder) or dragged by ankles or wrists..something..


Something that could be accessed by other modders as a resource as well so guards don't just walk away from those group of cultists that tried to eat your face in the middle of Morkarth...but instead they start ..I don't know...dragging them off to dispose of them I guess. Such a modder could do something in effect of talking to a guard to try and get them to let you search their corpse before they take it off to the crematory. Speechcraft could be used to determine rate of success.


So much more immersive then them just walking away from the scene leaving the corpses in the middle of the street to leave the poor towdnsfolk to trip over.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Do any of these suggestions ever make it into an actual mod? I'd love to see this one, but usually it doesnt happen

I've fulfilled a number of suggestions personally, close to a dozen.

Personally, and for most other modders as well afai can tell,


I decide whether or not to do something based on the workload to benefit "ratio"


If its a lot of work, I might do it if the idea has wide appeal.

If its not a lot of work, I still might not do it because I think its a boring idea, that kind of thing.


but for what it's worth I do read at least half the requests made here. It's just that most requests don't really reflect what I want out of a game.

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  • 5 months later...

Personally I'd be happy with anything that doesn't mean some single pixel somewhere wedges the body and makes it so it takes half an hour of real time to work free and get the body behind something, oh for a stuff bodyparts in sack/barrel throw in a few rocks and drop it off the boat (Dexter anyone?)


but this is an interesting idea, even if it drops you into first person for the duration your moving a body anything to get them out of the way would be appreciated


and if i had any talent at modding I'd have tried this already

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Here's my idea of how it could be done,
What if someone made a script which when you are sneaking and activate a body you "Grab" the body's two legs (like the normal thing you can do already) and add an object with an extremely high weight that makes the player overemcumbered.

This way the player will drag the body but at a handicap of slowness

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  • 3 weeks later...

There is quest to hide body and for the life of me all I can do is use force shout, but that will tell npc's I am there. Kill the Cook quest.

Is there a command or something I can do? Also I am hard of hearing and some npc's talk so low I can not hear them, or they have no actor voice and you have to guess what they said. I used snpcs and it does not seem to bring up subtitles.

Sure would like to have mod to add sex and happy times with wife. Wife and npc's followers act the same, It could be black out with sounds for age requirements. Also seems strange that you have to adopt kids and not have your own. Not asking for porn just more like real marriage.

Any help would be appreciated.

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