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No camera mods for Skyrim either?


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It's happened again! I am all alone in my Quest for a Better Camera.


Why is nobody else bothered by the simple fact, that you CAN NOT SEE the FRONT of your character, while moving? Why is it that you can rotate the camera while standing still, but not while moving? Would it break the game, if you could? I just want to be able to look around!


Alright, *some* effort has been made: Kudos to stonedsquirrel for his ANIMCAM Hotkey - 3rd Person Vanity Camera, which seems to address this exact issue. Shame it's dependent on ScriptDragon which hasn't been updated in quite a while.


So. Lets talk about point of view, ...from our point of views. :rolleyes:

Edited by Wadarkhu
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...but it still works fine so I'm not sure I see the issue.


How is that? Skyrim is 1.8.151 (or something like that) and ScriptDragon only supports, uh, was it 17. or something? When I try to start with the latest ScriptDragon it just says my version isn't supported.

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I'd be more upset with Bethesda than with the modders. After all, they're the ones who decided to scrap a perfectly good feature that everyone enjoyed in their previous games.

Haha, I'm upset with Bethesda and baffled by modders. Something like this feels so essential.


All you really need is one key, that you can press, then rotate the camera where you want, then release the key, and the camera stays where it's left! So simple. :teehee:

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Ah, okay. I've kept my steam offline and my skyrim not updated for quite some time now. It's not broken, and I didn't care for an update which only stated "general fixes" (marketing speak for "we didn't do much") so yeah. Also see the number of people very upset with their CK not working anymore after the 1.8 update - all the more reason to not let your games auto-update/


...also, the 1.8 update has just been released - 1st of November so script dragon can't really be that out of date.


Something like this feels so essential.


A personal feeling, perhaps?

Edited by acidzebra
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Hmm, I just checked that the last update to Script Dragon is from july 31st, so I assumed there's been patches to Skyrim after that, (between 1.7 and 1.8 ) thus making Script Dragon heavily out-dated. But if there hasn't been updates in the between, perhaps there will be an update soon? :huh:


I just started to mod Skyrim, but yeah, I will probably keep my game offline too.


A personal feeling, perhaps?


It's like my characters don't have faces... :ohdear: Only when I stop they disguise themselves with faces, but instantly when I start to move the facade drops off, and they have no faces and NO SOULS! :ohmy: I just can't see it because I can't turn the camera!!


P.S. Where can you see what Skyrim updates contain before the actual updates?

Edited by Wadarkhu
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Re; updates, keep an eye on the Bethesda blog. They'll post when they go into beta and when they release.


As for SD, haven't had an issue with any of the 1.7 releases. Which, I think weren't that many.


Back to your main topic, I understand what you're getting at, but since you asked for viewpoints - I never leave 1st person view. It's ME I'm projecting onto the avatar. Whether I play Khajit, Argonian, or Nord, I don't want to have some alien face breaking the spell/suspension that it's me doing all this stuff. That's just me though.

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