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Fallout NV crashes on startup


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Hello there currently i am having some trouble with Fallout New Vegas. Every time i start up the game it just crashes, it reaches the screen that says fallout new vegas 2010 Bethesda etc. and it just crashes. I did have mods but i have disabled all of them and it still crashes i have also tried to reinstall two times but for reason the problem persists. Is there a way to fix it. because i really love this game and its a shame i cant play it anymore. thank you in advance for any replies.


Edit: i have fixed the issue

Edited by humantsunami
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Hello there currently i am having some trouble with Fallout New Vegas. Every time i start up the game it just crashes, it reaches the screen that says fallout new vegas 2010 Bethesda etc. and it just crashes. I did have mods but i have disabled all of them and it still crashes i have also tried to reinstall two times but for reason the problem persists. Is there a way to fix it. because i really love this game and its a shame i cant play it anymore. thank you in advance for any replies.


Edit: i have fixed the issue


How did you manage to fix the issue?

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Well some people think it the graphics card, which I'm having a problem with right now...updated my Nvidia card, but I have a GF 640 GT, FONV thinks I have a 8000 series...I tried using one of those d3d9 fixes, but it's for other peoples series, not mine...


Other people say it's the UAC thingy that Win Vista and 7 have...so lets say you have FOMM...there is a box on the right that says "Settings" then there is a setting to disable UAC checks...checked = disabled, not checked = not disabled...what is that suppose to be if you don't want to move your Steam from the secure folder, "Program(X86)"


Another thing that is a bother right now is FONVEdit...it comes up with a "WARNING" not and "ERROR" and I can't figure out if it's a mod, because I've tried running it both with mods, just DLC, and then just vanilla and it keeps giving me the same warning...




Are the modders and such being incompetent until Xmas and New Years is over? Or are we...the people with FONV problems...going to have to blame ourselves and be labeled as morons, I say moron as in the context of Weasley from Portal 2, and say that things are user error and we are all noobs...is that what is happening?


All of the above begot the outcome of a CTD...(Begot is the right word...right?)

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*What's your load order?*


Can't be a mod, happens even just with normal DLC and even without them activated, which is vanilla when no ESM or ESP are active...CRASH!!


*What's the error FNVEdit is throwing up?*


When I hit "Filter for cleaning" this comes up:


Warning: Comparing sorted and unsorted entrie for "FLST \ FormIDs" in "PNxCVisorOverlay05CSAOrderedList [FLST:1D00847E]"


*People can't help if they don't have any details*


Ya like I have not got an answer for the graphics card, Nvidia, and the UAC setting...

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