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Soul Cairn Valerica CTD


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im doing the dawgaurd dlc and just got to the soul cairn, but when ever i got to talk to Valerica (or even go near her), my game crashes, ive used console commands to try and skip the quest, but i have to talk to Valerica to complete it.


Mod List

a quality world map
aliya and alessa followers
alluring curves
alternate start
amourous adventures
bewitching clothes
bijin warmaidens
calm paintings
cassandra frost witch
remodeled daedric armor
bbp physics
Celes Nightingale high heels
cystal edge glowing sword
daedric bikini
daedric bitches
danya follower
dragonbone barbarian
dx sotteta huntress
emfy cleric
enhanced blood
enchaned night skyrim
eyes if amber
fair skin complextion
faster sleep wait
female makup for racemenu
frankly HD dragonbone and dragonscale
Fuz Ro D'oh
Grim zero suit samus cbbe
guards armor replacer
hd lods textures
hdt physics
high heels dress outfits
insects begone
joy of perspective
kill yourself nazeem
killer keos skimpy armor replacer
ks hairdos
lazy tools
loading game
lockpick pro
mage robes cbbe
mannequin chicks
mannequins revamped
map markers for player homes
master sword
multi marrage
myra the taffy dragon
northgirl armor
Posh mudcrabs
reverb and ambiance overhaul
rosa round bottom follower scarlet dawn armor
sensuous serana
seraphim female body replacer
seraphim skimpy armor replacer
sheps tattoos
showracemenu precachekiller
skintight dragon wear
sotteta necromancer
spartan bard outfit
stoja warpaint makeups
Swearing mudcrabs
the art of magicka
the ordinary woman
unique uniques
unofficial skyrim se patch
unread books glow
weird dress5
xp32 msse
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A crash on location normally means you are missing a texture.

Most of your mods are textures only; you can normally disable those without breaking your save. Just don't do this with script mods.

Try disabling all your outfit mods and deploy.

If it fixes the problem, add back a few at a time until you find what is causing the crash.

If it does not fix the problem, start disabling the others...

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