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Question about Menu Mode in controlmap.txt


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Really simple question, but it requires good understanding of how to edit the controlmap.txt. I can't find any explanations of how the Menu Mode and subsequent sections work, but instead of coding the button presses with the actual key codes for each button, the codes are things like "activate", or "tween menu". This seems to imply that there is no way to make it so my "tween menu" (character menu) is activated by Select, but B works as back in the menus. It seems like it's hard coded to where the back button will always be the same as the menu, and the select button will always be the same as the activate button. Is this true, or is there a way around this?

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// Menu Mode							
Accept		!0,Activate				!0,Activate				!0,Activate		0	0	0	

The "Activate" is referring to the earlier defined input...

// Main Gameplay							
Activate			0x12				0xff	0x1000				1	1	1	

So if you want to change it to a different key, simply enter the key code or the text label of a different input that is already defined. At least that is what makes sense to me. I have never tested it myself. Feel free to back up the file and go crazy with testing. :D


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