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[LE] Need help teleporting custom NPCs from a cell.


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Hi. I have two ESPs. The 1st is the master of the 2nd. The 1st has a cell with custom NPCs. The 2nd ESP has a spell that I want to use to summon a random NPC from the first ESP. I am a newbie so I have a few questions. Do I need to create a formlist in creation kit? When I try, it removes the master leaving only Skyrim and Update upon saving. I want to use GetFormFromFile to get all the NPCs and then pick a random one.

FormList MyFormlistForm = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0012345, "MyMod.esp")


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you are trying probably to make an esp file a master. Use a program like wrye bash to internally change a value in the esp file that will make creation kit think it is an esm file


also you have to modify creation kit's SkyrimEditor.ini to allow for multiple masters... there are tons of tutorials on it


creation kit only allows for you to make esm files as masters which is why I use wrye bash to edit the esp file so creation kit thinks it is a master.


the only time i have used Getformfromfile is when making a global function... i think if you set things up correctly, you will be able to add your script to a quest or reference alias and use any data from the masters... keep reading tutorials, it was hard at first for me, but once i learned how creation kit worked it isnt so tough.

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w1 =(Game.GetFormFromFile(18844726,"rgd.esp") as ObjectReference) ... a snip for one of my mods.

This would be the 1st step with Actor not a ObjectReference. Notice the number must be passed in that form
and not the 0x form. Once you have the new variables random off them or use them to make your FormList.
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Thank you for the advice. I was able to create a spell following a YouTube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUY8VrWxQRU. I didn't create a spell tome. I just tried adding the spell using the console, but I'm getting 'Missing parameter spell item compiled script not saved' when I try player.addspell 03007B2E. My form ID is 03007B2E. I also tried help, but seems the spell is not showing up. I'm just doing a basic teleport like the video to get things working first. I picked Lydia to try and teleport her to me, but player.addspell can't seem to find the spell. Anybody know why it's not showing up? I see my script in the script folder and Tes4Edit sees the spell and form ID and the script compiles fine.

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Can someone please let me know why I can't seem to summon a follower from a formlist? The summon works fine on a follower, but not when the follower is in the formlist. Thanks.

Scriptname SummonTest extends activemagiceffect  

Actor Property PlayerREF Auto;

Actor Property ActorToSummon Auto;

FormList Property ActorsToSummon Auto;

Function OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)    
        Int i = 1
        float az = PlayerRef.GetAngleZ()
        Actor ActorToSummon2 = ActorsToSummon.GetAt(i) As Actor
        ActorToSummon2.SetAngle(0.0,0.0,az + 180.0)
        ActorToSummon2.MoveTo(PlayerREF, 200 * Math.sin(az), 200 * Math.cos(az), 0.0, false)
        ActorToSummon.SetAngle(0.0,0.0,az + 180.0)
        ActorToSummon.MoveTo(PlayerREF, 200 * Math.sin(az), 200 * Math.cos(az), 0.0, false)


The ActorsToSummon has these values


0 REFR HousecarlWhiterunRef

1 REFR HousecarlSolitude

2 REFR HousecarlRiften



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