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Waking Nightmare and saving issue.


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I've been working on trying to get this quest done all day. After advancing the quest to bring down the shield I am unable to save game, it crashes to desktop. After going through possible different things that could be causing my issue it's still there. At first I thought it was just a run of the mill corrupt save. Then I tried different mods that might be the issue. Then I started going through possible items that maybe causing it and through that was able to narrow it down to when you disable the shield. So I tried to advance the quest with out taking the shield down to try and see if it was indeed the shield causing it. After all my trouble shooting it's down to the actual stage of advancement. When ever I take down the shield and it advances to getting down to the bottom of the temple and destroy the Corrupted Skull I am unable to save. Quick save, hard save, auto save. None of it works. Even trying to run though and complete the quest it will still crash upon the auto save the game does.


So I guess after all this I'm wondering if anyone has any more ideas on how to get past this, or if I should just wait in hopes it is fixed with Bethesdas next patch.

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I'm doing this quest at the moment (or at least trying to) and am having exactly the same issue and haven't been able to get past it either.


I've heard nothing about this problem before. Maybe the bug was introduced in the recent Skyrim patch? Seriously annoying.

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I'm having the exactl same issue in this quest... I can confirm that you can't save after you come out of Dreamstride... upto this point (even in dreamstride) you can save fine... I've got game version updated automatically through Steam... fortunatly i save often (not just quicksave), so i might go back to a previous state and skip this quest for a while.


I've tried dropping all items after coming out of dreamstride before saving (in case of a glitch there... no difference).


... unless someone finds a fix ;)

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The solution is simply to save prior to activating the Miasma, then go through the rest of the quest without saving. When you finally exit to Skyrim and are standing outside, you can go ahead and save, and you should be good.
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I have the same problem.


Temporary fix: Use the console: setstage DA16 150

Then use the tcl command, go thru the barrier and take the common soul gem. Should progress as normal after that.


Perhaps list mods you have running so we can see if theres a common one or conflict?

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Same issue... same point in the game. Glad it's not just me. This is doing my head in... I'd prefer to do it without console "setstage".... will try to just run through he rest of the quest and hope it doesn't crash on autosave when I exit the temple when I get home tonight.
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