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Help // Looking for value


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Hi there


I am working on a mod that shall change the prices of merchants. Buying shall be more expencive and selling items shall bring the player less money.

All i could change so far was the values for haggling 1/2/3/4/5 and it works; but yet it doesn't change the base prices for items.


For example:

My champion got a gold ingot for sale. Without the mod and without haggling i can sell it for 34 coins. On the other hand the merchant has a steel armor which he sells for 818 coins.

What I am looking for is the value that changes the buying/selling prices to - let's say - 25 coins and 1000 coins.


Does anybody know where I can find it ?


Thank you in anticipation

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Sorry, I can't help you with this as I don't know much about the scripting or where to find these things, I do know that the Skyrim Redone mod (SkyRe) changes the values of many items, making items from vendors a lot more expensive. You could ask T3nd0 if he could help you finding the location for these values.
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The base value for any given item is on it's item form. Check in the Items section within the Object window. Do note that modifying those values will cause your mod to not be compatible with any other mod that changes something on the same form.


As far as possibly changing the value on the fly with scripting, I've no clue...

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Thanks for your answers.

I think i will ask T3nd0 for help..

since changing the value of an item will also make it cost less at merchants (won't it ?!). For example if i set Daedric Armor value to 1000, athen i can sell it for 1000 x 0.7 or buy it for 1000 x 1.3, that would be the same as selling for 3000 x 0.7 or buying for 3000 x 1.3 (in case every item's value is reduced by the same factor)

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IIRC there are settings in the GameSettings menu in the CK (in the menu at the top of the window) that determine how much a vendor will buy or sell an item for. It is a multiplier of the item's value. Edited by steve40
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