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Request: Rideables for Player and NPC


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how about a ridable yao guai (?).. it could be so that you had to have 2 or 3 rank of the animal friend perk to be able to ride it??

i personally think it would be nice to ride around on a mutated bear.. poo. with all the talented modders out there, it migth be possible to disable vats when riding? and make the yao guai you are riding melee attack enemys on command??



sooo sorry for bad spelling and other linguistic errors:P im from norway so english spelling is not my strongest side...

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a talented modder has already been exploring the possibility for riding things and with early testing it seems the "ridable" code was stripped out of the engine. You might only be able to "ride" something along a pre-defined path.



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a talented modder has already been exploring the possibility for riding things and with early testing it seems the "ridable" code was stripped out of the engine. You might only be able to "ride" something along a pre-defined path.




Uh oh...sounds not good.


Could it be possible to adapt some necessary code from Oblivion to FO3 Engine?


Seems very difficult to me.


Many THX for looking at !! :D

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Going to disagree on this one. Car made sense in F2 to get you from place to place faster because you were traversing much greater distances, here you're essentially within a day's walk of anywhere.


Exploration and walking to your destination the first time is part of this game's challenge. Not such a big deal in the middle of the wasteland, as a matter of fact that is where having some additional speed would be welcome, but in packed downtown DC area it would ba way too imbalanced.


If there were built in limitations where you can use it that may work, but overall there are far too many locations in the game where you have to fight your way through packs of muties to even get a discovery. With some wheels or a fast mount you can just run by and get discovery without engaging in combat.


Might be fun for those that want to trivialize this game further, but realistically it's so easy already... Why not just outright cheat and warp directly to your location, if you're in such a hurry.

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Going to disagree on this one. Car made sense in F2 to get you from place to place faster because you were traversing much greater distances, here you're essentially within a day's walk of anywhere.


Exploration and walking to your destination the first time is part of this game's challenge. Not such a big deal in the middle of the wasteland, as a matter of fact that is where having some additional speed would be welcome, but in packed downtown DC area it would ba way too imbalanced.


If there were built in limitations where you can use it that may work, but overall there are far too many locations in the game where you have to fight your way through packs of muties to even get a discovery. With some wheels or a fast mount you can just run by and get discovery without engaging in combat.


Might be fun for those that want to trivialize this game further, but realistically it's so easy already... Why not just outright cheat and warp directly to your location, if you're in such a hurry.


Thx for your statement.


Sure, there are Locations where it is not possible to drive/ride through.


But the possibillity to use a Horse/Bike/Buggy ect. could be very interessting.

Not long time to wait, and some Modders will show some additional Maps...maybe they are bigger.


ATM, you have Traders on the way between all Cities... carry all goods on a back of a cow? Looks stupid to me.

Traders could do more effort with a Pickup/Truck...2 or more Soldiers for security.


How does the Slave-Traders moving Slaves from A to B... on feet? Why not a Military Truck with Top Turret?

A Slave is worthless if he even can't walk anymore... no profit.


Also, there are only 2 Guys from BoS defending the Washington Memorial... they get no Support from their Clan it seems.

It would be very realistic, if a small armed Convoy comes there every Day and brings supply, load up the Guys, leave 2 other Guys there for 24 Hours.


Just imagin', you sneak through D.C., look around a corner and BANG... Big explosion infront of you... Rocket luncher? No, a Tank, build from some Technican Mutants stands infront...build from Dumb-Parts and different weapons.

Mutants are Thumb? No, they can speak and hold a weapon...they are clever.

Thx God, you have 2 Mini A-Bombs left...time to freak them.


Some Parts left, great...steal a Pickup in the near, need some repairs on Engine...done, now load up the rest parts of this Mutant Tank and drive to a Garage... to start build a better vehicle... next time you're on the trigger of a Tank :D


War is War, and War always is extreme ... but atm you only see some small uncoordinated fights everywhere.


Sorry for my terrible english, my german is much better :)

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hehe :P if u got a fat man or a mirv and some power armor u almost ARE a tank already. so why not add some belts from a old excavator and the fusion engine from a banged up old car.. that would be BIG fun cruising around in :D flattening and splattering super mutants for fun and go to your garage to scrape their skin off the belts and painting blood camo on the tank.. and it would be a nice ride to pick up nova with too, then she'll surley let u get to third base :P hahaha
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