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On Dawnguard, Crossbows and $20


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Back into Skyrim at last. And in time for Jaysus Swords, Immersive Armor, Vilja and Atvir Dres. Christmas come early.


So my next question is: About Dawnguard - is it worth it? I understand it has a branching either/or alliance factor. Also, crossbows. Which I badly want in my game.


But I plan on playing as neither a Werewolf nor a Vampire. My character is a Nord warrior/hunter with shady morality whose main goal is to make enough gold to someday settle down and live in peace. He'll fight for that peace certainly, but he's human and more likely to join the Dawnguard than the Vampires. Is it worth the play through to join the "good guy" faction? Or should I avoid this unless I plan on playing as a Vampire or Werewolf?


Thanks for any insight you can offer. Having just bought XCOM and Dishonored, and with "Steamgiving" and "Steammas" on the way yet, I need to weigh the merits of spending that $20 versus hanging on to it right now.

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Quite a lot of people have enjoyed Dawnguard without joining the vampire faction and many people have fallen head over heels for Serana which is Bethesda's attempt at a Vilja/Atvir level companion so... *shrugs* Choice is really yours but if you like companions... it might be worth it to you... then again it might not.
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Quite a lot of people have enjoyed Dawnguard without joining the vampire faction and many people have fallen head over heels for Serana which is Bethesda's attempt at a Vilja/Atvir level companion so... *shrugs* Choice is really yours but if you like companions... it might be worth it to you... then again it might not.


I may well look into this then. Just nabbed Vilja and Dres. Already moving about with Vilja. its really the choices and consequences in Dawnguard that intrigue me. It would be nice to see quest lines where everything is not so cut and dry. Not so black and white. Serana sounds like the sort of character a mostly-good but rough around the edges Mercenary wouldn't want to help but wouldn't be able to actually refuse, either - which intrigues me further.


Thanks for the information.

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To answer the original question it depends on the value of your $20.

What you get is about 20h of main quest and about the same for the side quests plus unlimited Radiant Quests for Vampire and about the same again for the Vampire hunter.


Vilja may not be Dawnguard aware she "chats" with Lydia but ignores Sarana. But this is only Vilja v1.0.

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Crossbows are well worth it alone. So amazingly satisfying. I wasn't expecting to like it so much, since even Dark Souls makes crossbows seem pretty lame.

The new armours are pretty nice, the unique weapons are interesting. If you like Falmer, BUY IT!

It has two very interesting new areas to run around and get lost in. The new creatures are alright, not something I'd write home for.

I had a completely bug free experience, so you can factor that into my high enjoyment levels of the DLC. I'm afraid it may be a dice roll for you.

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