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Arrow bomb trap


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I like to play as a rogue type class when I play Skyrim and i have seen quite a few trap mods. I have yet to see an arrow bomb mod. what i mean by that is that you can attach a trap device to the walls, floor or ceiling that triggers by proximity ( or even better a trip wire). Possibly craft-able or a spell if that is too difficult.Damage should be kept to around the same or a little lower than the rune spells.

Possible crafting list

Iron dart bomb(10):

10/20 iron ingots/Iron Arrows

5 firewood

1-5 fire salt (more salts consumed for higher grade traps)

1 petty soul gem (optional)- to explain how it triggers if no tripwire is used


was also wondering if it was possible to make it so that when the trap is triggered it doesn't just kill the enemy but you actually see all the arrows in their skin (like when you shoot them with a bow)


I am trying to draw a picture of the device to make it easier to design.


my scanner isn't working properly but my basic concept was that it be a small metal/leather cylindrical device with metal prongs on the bottom(so it can attach its self to surfaces walls ceiling ect.)


Similar to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImjA8-kmJA8


(except deployable and triggered by proximity)

Edited by thedarkmagi
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Explosive arrows mod has the following arrows:



- Explosive; A searing blast damages enemies within a small radius, chance of knockdown. Staggers oponents.

- Frostburst; Cold-based, not as powerful as Explosive. No knockdown.

- Knockdown; Enemies within a 10-15 foot radius are knocked down, taking a small amount of damage.

- Reanimation; Bring your enemies (or friends) back to life. No explosion for this one.

- Poision Gas; Releases a cloud of poision gas on impact.

- Fire Bomb; Enemies and surrounding surfaces are covered in burning oil.

- Proximity Blast: Think of it as a land mine... Use them to lay traps for your enemies.

^^^^ what you want ^^^^




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You are basically looking for a sticky bomb like the ones King Richards crusaders used? They would put a small explosive up against a wall and then use an a lit arrow to strike the pouch, resulting a detonation at the right time. Is that what you want?
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You are basically looking for a sticky bomb like the ones King Richards crusaders used? They would put a small explosive up against a wall and then use an a lit arrow to strike the pouch, resulting a detonation at the right time. Is that what you want?


no If you watch the video and read my entire post you will know that that isn't close to what I am looking for. However that is a good idea for another trap

Edited by thedarkmagi
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Arrows flying out of an explosive trap- like shrapnel basically. Perhaps more narrowed/focused/directional.

(Is how I understand / imagine you are trying to explain anyways)

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