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Skyrim Special Edition Game Plugins Missing?


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I've run into a rather odd issue. I'm using vortex, got everything as it should be (I'm pretty sure), went to deploy my mods and it gave me the "deployment method unavailable" response. So I set the staging folder to a sub folder where my fallout 4 staging folder is (and have no issues with). I went to deploy again and it told me I have masters missing. No big deal right? But here's the kicker: the masters that are missing are my SSE game plugins....

I'm not sure where to go from here. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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When you speak of your "Vortex folder," are you talking about your Vortex program folder found in Program Files or about the Vortex folder found in AppData\Roaming?


When notified about deployment method, were you able to select a deployment method? Did you select "Hardlink Deployment" and push the "Apply" button?

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By vortex folder I guess I mean a folder I have for staging my mods on the same drive as my game files. My apologies I guess I forgot that vortex didnt make that folder. Will fix the OP. And yeah, selected hardlink deployment as the deployment method and applied the selection.

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