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Save my mod!


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I've been working on this mod, Blacklight: Ira Deorum, since the Creation Kit was released, and a few months ago it hit some fatal bug that causes crashes under specific (but common) circumstances:

  • Autosaving
  • While in a vanilla cell
  • Or moving between vanilla cells

It doesn't do this when you stay inside the mod world. It only crashes if you try to save in a vanilla area.


If you can, please take a look at the mod and see if there's anything I did or if Skyrim just hates my guts. You can download the file here. In addition to the most recent .esp file, I also included a series of backups I've made since March.

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Well that's awkward. I went and posted a nice pitiful beg for help and when I tried out the mod again just now, it seems to be in perfect working order. That settles it, then. Skyrim does hate me. To the CK!
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Wait, are we rallying a war call or something now?



Also, in relation to the topic, have you taken your esp (esm?) and looked it at through TESVEdit to see if there are any possible conflicts? I'm unsure how you do your modding, but I know when I'm looking at references and stuff from the vanilla game to include in my own mod, sometimes stuff gets thrown around if I'm not careful. That's currently my only suggestion though, is just running it through TESVEdit and checking for conflicts. :P

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Here you go:




What I did was clean it up thoroughly:


- removed all dirty edits

- removed all wild edits (all vanilla interior cells and tamriel cells other than 39,7 - 42,9)

- undeleted and disabled (and this is what I think is causing crashes, because tes5edit reported errors on those)

- switched 2 of your navmesh formIDs for 2 deleted vanilla navmesh formIDs



It's squeeky clean and it checks out with tes5edit.

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Don't worry about "doing something wrong". Just use tes4edit or wrye bash to undelete and disable the references.




Somehow CK didn't delete those few rocks/trees you deleted properly. They contained more data than they should've, so that's a potential CTD in-game. Undeleting is essentially copying the reference (placed object in the gameworld or a cell) and setting its flag as disabled, plus changing its Z coordinate to -30000, so it would be well out of rendering range.


Why is it importaint?


Well, the game doesn't like deleted records. Say, if you delete a tree with your mod, and I make a mod that moves that tree, the game would most likely crash. Especially if there are persistaint (quest object) stuff involved. They tend to be permanently saved with savegame (just the coordinates and rotation), and the only way to get the mod working would be clean-save. Not really practical, nor popular method, if you have level 30 character.

I'm not sure about skyrim, but with oblivion, if you need to move the door or whatever persistant object, you would actually need to DISABLE it and place a new one in a new spot.



My advice to you is to keep on modding as usual, but use wrye bash or tes5edit to clean up the mod. Wrye makes it simple enough, altho tes5edit shows you exactly what your mod is changing with the game, and how it relates to other mods.

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