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creation kit question: valve that makes steam appear?


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Hello all, firstly i hope this is the right place for this question.


so, im making a player home, ive been working on it for weeks and im planning to upload it in dec if its all ready, im really proud of it and have spent ages collecting various custom meshes and models for it,


anyway one of the features is a hot tub, and i have one of those little red valves that you can turn, and i want to make it so when you turn it, these 3 steam jets i have turn on, so the steam only appears once you've turned the valve, i have googled and looking at the creation kit site but i cant find specifically what i want to do, and i find lot of it is quite hard to understand on that site.


any help would be really appreciated!



- Trashbat

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I know in calcemos (or whatever) lab in marakarth when you are getting the falmer language cypher that there are valves that toggle activate traps, and floor buttons that deactivate a steam area effect, go look at how those are rigged up, may give you what you need.
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