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Repairable Boogeyman's Hood


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This is all I want modwise from this game right now.


I love the boogeyman's hood, but it is totally unrepairable and it's driving me mad.


Downloaded cross repair armor v1-1 but the hood doesn't seem to be included.


Can someone simply make a mod so that the hood is repairable by similiar raider helmets?



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Have you tried taking it to a vendor and having them repair it? That works for me on unique / rare items such as the Sheriff's equipment.


NOTE: There are traveling vendors as well. ;) Yes, it would be nice to repair our own equipment like vendors can but that would negate the whole need for scrapping parts from similar equipment.

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Yes, that works. But that doesn't negate the frustration of not being able to fix the thing on the field. I don't want to have to run to a town every time a deathclaw jumps me to get the thing half fixed for 100 caps.


I turned my game up to very hard for some extra challenge, the hood is almost always broken as a result. On top of that, most vendors can only repair it up to around 45%. I've got 100 in repair, i've got access to raider hoods that look the exact same. It'd be much nicer of a named item reward if it was repairable like that. a nice high armored hat for being such a ratfink. instead of 'equal armor to the generic counterpart because unlike them, you can't repair it'


If the construction kit was out i'd try to work on the mod myself, but...i'm not knowledgable enough to do it without that tool.

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