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I Need Modding Advice And Stat


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I'm trying to make my own personal working mod similar to the Cigarette In Mouth mod https://www.nexusmod...tab=description

I basically want the same result their mod does but without the lack of it working properly can anyone help me make this kind of mod? I don't want bent or unlit cigars or cigarettes I just need the simple lit ones to work with a small animation to show smoke coming out of the cigar/cigarette.

Any kind of advice would be very much appreciated.

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Really give me an informal warning for bumping my post? What's wrong with that picture? -_-



I have half the mind to give a stern talking to the moderator who did this asinine warning I didn't do anything wrong as far as I am aware ಠ_ಠ



For gods sakes why is nobody answering me?

Edited by TheRedneckRebel
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Heya RedneckRebel. I can't speak for anybody else, but I know that I haven't posted to your thread, because I don't know how to help you with the mod that you're wanting to make. I don't know enough about the kind of work involved, to give you any leads, or have any helpful insights to offer. :sad:

Which is often the case, when posts don't get a response.


Advice that I CAN give you however, is NOT to do THIS.


I have half the mind to give a stern talking to the moderator who did this asinine warning I didn't do anything wrong as far as I am aware ಠ_ಠ


If you got a warning or action taken against you that you feel was unjustified, use the proper means. https://help.nexusmods.com/article/27-moderation-policy#Complaints_Regarding_Moderation That article will do a good job of explaining WHY I advise against taking it up with the staff member who gave you the warning. There's also a link in that article that you can use to contact the leading members of the staff, and receive a faster response.


That "stern talking to" that you're talking about falls into the category of this -


Our staff and moderators have the right to carry out their duties enforcing our Terms of Service without harassment, insult or hassle. If a user attacks a member of the moderation team in any way they will be banned from our service and may forfeit any right to appeal the decision .

which is outlined on the page that I linked to. I have seen that happen many, many, many times.


[Edit] Finally found it! Ok, here too. This link may also help you to understand some of the rules that leads towards why some threads don't get replies. Check out the part about not posting relevant information. :wink: https://help.nexusmods.com/article/22-forum-and-commenting-guidelines [/edit]


So yeah, I'm sorry that I can't help you out with the mod. But I can at least try to help you out by trying to show you how to not get yourself into trouble. When, as in informal warning, you're not in trouble. :wink:

Edited by StormWolf01
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Ok, so the mod you're wanting to make, is a wearable item. It's been set up to be located at the mouth of the character. You want to make it so that it has a working animation on the end of it.

The mod that you referenced, has texture issues for some people.


I'm just translating what you originally posted, in easier terms.


Ok, so since some people are having texture issues, and some are not..... Have you made the required changes to your fallout4.ini file?


this part is irrelevant, you don't need to worry about it.

iLocation X=0
iLocation Y=0

it's the part in [Archive] that you have to make sure is right. It sounds like the game isn't checking for the texture files, or they're missing. Another person posted that certain textures were missing. But nobody else has commented about it.

I dunno if that's why the textures aren't showing up for you or not. But it would be my first guess. Second guess is that they're missing.


Nah it's all good man. And yeah....an informal warning doesn't mean that you're in trouble. A formal one, that counts against ya tho. While I know that in a lot of cases, those come off as pretty formal (I got one back in November, shortly after I joined.) what it pretty much just comes down to is letting ya know "Hey. This was against our rules here on the Nexus. Take a look at the rules, so you don't get into trouble." kinda deals.

But yeah, thread bumpin is a no-no in these parts lol.


Once you have the 3d model set up, rigged and everything, The part about making it as an object that is wearable on the face.... that part is fairly easy to do in the CK, or in Xedit (the editing tools for making mods for fallout4) but the whole 3d part of it.... especially with animations.... I know barely even enough to get me into trouble, hahaha.


Good luck tho!

Edited by StormWolf01
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