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Anyone else having issues with random CTDs in open spaces?


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I'm using UFO and Convenient Horses with 3 followers. I've played pretty normal from level 1-30 avoiding fast traveling and using horses to get everywhere. Just recently, my game crashes at random points in the middle of nowhere. I can enter cities, go in and out of buildings, and fast travel fine, but I'll just be walking through the woods or down a road and ...CRASH. No reason. I hate having to fast travel everywhere. It really ruins the immersion feel of the game, but with it CTD for no reason makes my game unplayable. I have several mods, but nothing new from when it worked fine yesterday and not working fine today.


Anyone else have this problem or know what it could be?

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No. I have no idea how to...can you tell me or direct me to instructions on how to?




Go to your Steam library, right click The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, go to Properties, Go to Local Files tab, click Verify Integrity of Game. Hope that helps.

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