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Swor without scabbard


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Hi everybody!

I'm writing to ask if someone knows how to make a sword without scbbard ( for example the imperial sword) with the ck...

Thanks for any help

Edited by alduin78
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Afaik not possible doing it with the CK since the scabbard is within the sword's "container" (a so called NIF file).


What you have to do:


Download FO3 Archive Utility Tool: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/34

With this tool you can extract the game's original NIF files, place them in your Skyrim\data folder and edit them with NifSkope.


Download NifSkope: http://niftools.sourceforge.net/wiki/NifSkope

Tool to open the NIF and delete the scabbard.


Start FO3 AUT, open Skyrim - Meshes.bsa in your Skyrim\data folder. Select only the weapon you want (like meshes\weapons\iron\ WEAPONNAME.nif and 1stPersonWEAPONNAME.nif) or simply extract all files to your Skyrim\data folder (so it looks like Skyrim\data\meshes\...).


Normally the game takes the NIF files from Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, now you have extracted the files and the game will prefer these files, so you can edit them and the game will use them. To undo your changes you simply have to delete the edited NIF file - the game will use the file from the original meshes.bsa then.


Afterwards start NifSkope and open the weapon you want to edit. Like ... Skyrim\data\meshes\weapons\imperial\imperialsword.nif




Click the scabbard, click on the highlighted block in the left window, press CTRL+DEL to delete it.

Save it, do the same with 1stpersonimperialsword.nif, save & play.



Edited by ghosu
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