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Oil Pump Jack Mod


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I know there is an Oil Pump Jack Mod out there.


I was wondering if its available at all to the rest of us.




Any information guys?


Hello. I wondered if you took ImmortalAbsol's suggestion and contacted the uploader? If you did or plan to, I would be interested to know what you find. I can think of severl locations they would fit into. What with Pennsylvania being an oil state, it's not to much of a stretch to see oil pumps around Massachusetts.

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I had followed the same trail and saw that the other day. I didn't want to create an account just to message him, and I locked my Facebook down after about 267 million users date was recently exposed for almost two weeks, so I won't log on that way. Maybe after the New year I'll try to contact him, if you or someone else hasn't done it first. Thanks for posting back though.

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