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Question about doctor NPCs


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So I'm tinkering with how doctors work, going down this list of doctor NPCs and applying changes one by one.




I suspect the list may be a little inaccurate, though. Digging through the GECK, I can't find any evidence that Dr. Henry or Emily Ortal provide medical services at all. I found a screen fade + needle animation script for Red Lucy, but it isn't attached to her, and has no listed uses. But I don't want to be too quick to assume the list is wrong without asking first. After all, I could just be using the wrong search terms in the GECK. So, does anyone know if it's possible to pay Henry, Emily, or Lucy to heal you?

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That assumes there are no conditions under which an actor will heal without payment in caps.


Note the wiki page linked has a column for "Merchant" which indicates Lucy, Emily Ortal, and Henry are not one. Believe that means they do not "sell" their services. Henry and Lucy do not require any faction reputation, while Emily does require some with the "Followers of the Apocalypse".


It's not that the wiki can't be wrong. However, when they indicate granular details like that, *I* tend to assume there is a basis behind that effort. Dialog can get tricky as you need to check for "result script" consequences and followup on "flags" as well.


All three of them "heal HP". I would look for "RestoreActorValue" (reverse damagepool effects).



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That assumes there are no conditions under which an actor will heal without payment in caps.


Note the wiki page linked has a column for "Merchant" which indicates Lucy, Emily Ortal, and Henry are not one. Believe that means they do not "sell" their services. Henry and Lucy do not require any faction reputation, while Emily does require some with the "Followers of the Apocalypse".


It's not that the wiki can't be wrong. However, when they indicate granular details like that, *I* tend to assume there is a basis behind that effort. Dialog can get tricky as you need to check for "result script" consequences and followup on "flags" as well.


All three of them "heal HP". I would look for "RestoreActorValue" (reverse damagepool effects).




The reason I specifically asked if you could pay those characters for medical services is because I wanted to differentiate from any other interactions with them that may also reset your health. Hypothetically, if you could sleep with Red Lucy whenever you wanted a free heal, that would technically make her a """doctor""", but not for my purposes. (I keep re-reading what I just typed, and I think my brain is melting.)


Regarding the wiki's accuracy, it's a mixed bag. Perfect example: the List of Doctors page I linked above says Lucy restores health and radiation, but on her personal page, it says she only restores health. So even if the wiki is stretching the definition of the word "doctor", we're still not getting consistent information from it.


I went through all of Henry and Emily's dialogue before making the original post, and found zero instances of them healing the player. But that doesn't quite confirm that the wiki is wrong. After their quests, there's always the remote possibility that those NPCs get disabled and replaced by clones with different dialogue. (There are three instances of Vulpes Inculta, and none of them share dialogue trees.) I'm probably reaching with this guess, but sometimes clone NPCs have very different base IDs, meaning you have to search for them individually.


Anyways, I think it's safe to say these guys aren't doctors. But if anyone reading this has been healed by them, please let me know!

Edited by punchbattle
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The reason I specifically asked if you could pay those characters for medical services is because I wanted to differentiate from any other interactions with them that may also reset your health. Hypothetically, if you could sleep with Red Lucy whenever you wanted a free heal, that would technically make her a """doctor""", but not for my purposes. (I keep re-reading what I just typed, and I think my brain is melting.)



To avoid the brain melting possibilities ... you may just want to stay away from tinkering with any of the vanilla doctor services . And implement your medical content through an added dialogue option conditionalized or maybe even a perk/entrypoint/Activate ?

At least to get it up and running , then figure a way to turn off what you don't want ... just a thought .

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IIRC, the healing service dialogues are handled by a quest, so the actual medical dialogue is under that quest rather than the NPCs themselves. I think it has the word doctors in the name.... It's been a while since I've tinkered with the game itself at all though, so my memory may be a bit fuzzy. Edited by uhmattbravo
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short BeginMedicalServices ;Set to 1 in dialog, starts script below.
; replace with getav variable01 == 1
short BeginAddictionServices ;Set to 1 in dialog, starts script below.
; replace with getav variable01 == 2

short DoOnce ;Script blocker

float Timer ;Timer used for animation control

BEGIN GameMode

;When set to 1, plays medical animations for eight seconds then restarts conversation with the player
if ( getav variable01 == 1 )
if ( DoOnce== 0 )
sayto player MegDocChurchMedicalChatter
PlayIdle LooseDoctorHeal
set Timer to 8
set DoOnce to 1

set Timer to ( Timer - GetSecondsPassed )

if ( Timer <= 6 ) && ( DoOnce == 1 )
IMod FadeToBlackISFX
set DoOnce to 2

if ( Timer <= 0 ) && ( IsImagespaceActive FadeToBlackISFX == 0 )
setstage Doctors 10
addScriptPackage DefaultNPCDialogPlayer


;When set to 1, plays medical animations for eight seconds then restarts conversation with the player
if ( getav variable01 == 2 )
if ( DoOnce== 0 )
PlayIdle LooseDoctorHeal
set Timer to 8
set DoOnce to 1

set Timer to ( Timer - GetSecondsPassed )

if ( IsAnimPlaying == 0 )
PlayIdle LooseDoctorHeal

if ( Timer <= 6 ) && ( DoOnce == 1 )
IMod FadeToBlackISFX
set DoOnce to 2

if ( Timer <= 0 ) && ( IsImagespaceActive FadeToBlackISFX == 0 )
setstage Doctors 20
addScriptPackage DefaultNPCDialogPlayer


; clear DoOnce when variable has been reset
if DoOnce > 0
if getav variable01 == 0
set DoOnce to 0




Just one of muti scripts to touch on doctor services.


Tracking down to intercede the vanilla ... is gona be tuff imo. Not to mention any other addition.

Hence I was suggesting the other approach of making side by side , then edit to inhibit content instead of rewrite the original. Which is what I was imagining punchbattles attempt to be ? (rewrite)

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I get what you're saying, I'm not especially fond of overwriting vanilla stuff as opposed to leaving it be and bypassing it with a replacement either, but even if setting up a completely independent system for it, it's still nice to have a reference to start from in some cases.
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