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I am not sure if someone has pitched this idea already but it got on my mind and I would just like to talk about it a bit.

Just a friendly WARNING here... SPOILERS for the Dawnguard quest line. You have been warned.




Now to the topic. Near the End of the Dawnguard quest line when you get that not so shiny bow, that snow elf mentions that there might be other hidden enclaves of snow elves around tamriel. So i thought this would be a great Idea for a little village mod.


There are of course the player home mods from Lazz (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4273 and https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4272) which are amazing, but are still just player homes.

I was hoping to find something similar like the Telengrad village mod from Arthmoor (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17423) just that you would find said village not on an island but in a valley behind a cave maybe.


Now here to some specifics:


You could find the cave and village either by finding an old book somewhere, a small introduction quest starting from the college in winterhold or an independent researcher somewhere in a tavern in skyrim or it could be hidden in a bounty quest where you hunt some trolls and just happen to find the village there.


To simulate the snow elves it would work to do it the bethesda way and just paint high elves white. As to the size of the village; something like vanilla morthal or skaal village would be great. You could most likely use the vanilla dialog for most NPCs like smiths and mages in that village.


To give the village a little more meaning then just being another village, one could implement some unique spells and enchantments which can only be obtained there. A nice touch would be to retexture some of the vanilla clothing to give the NPCs there some snow elf cultural identity. If there are custom armor and clothing pieces in play even better. Maybe have a small Quest to return some ancient Falmer artifact from somewhere in Skyrim to be allowed to buy a house in the village. Or be rewarded for bringing them Auriels Bow and get an unique sword in exchange. Having a breed of horse like the one you steal from the Blackbriars to buy from the village or buying a valley saber cat as creature follower would be nice. As for merchants: A court wizard to sell you unique spells, a blacksmith with snow elf armor and maybe weapons with new enchantments, a merchant who sells all the misc stuff from the Sacred Valley and an inn keeper of course.



For the Spells and enchantments here are a few ideas:

Ice Shell: Similar effect like paralyze or Ash Shell but with X stamina damage per second

Cold Wind: Stagger effect like the first word of unrelenting force but with additional frost damage

Ice Burst: Firestorm just as Frost damage and maybe a bit more damage or less and therefor expert instead of master.

Wall of Winter: instead of the damage inflicting wall of Frost how about a real wall that wont let Actors pass through it.

Summon Ice: Places ice on top of what you are casting (water i.e.) so you can overcome gaps and bodies of water.


Enchantment ideas:
Slow Time on Kill: i.e. "If an enemy is killed with this weapon time will slow down (lets say 20%) for X seconds. (for all weapons)

Shield of Counter: i.e. Successfully blocked attacks restore X points of Stamina. (for Shields only)

Magicka Shield: i.e. X % of physical damage are transferred into magicka damage (Clothing/Armor Body)




All these Ideas are just a few that came across my mind while writing this. If you have some input or other ideas i would like to read them here. I myself have never tried modding but I am curious to do it. However i think this project would far outweigh the skills of a new moder. If there is a talented moder among those who read this i'd be honored if you would consider this mod idea and I'd be glad to help any way I can in creating it. If not, then maybe I'll try creating it myself one day, but given that I want to see something like this in all its potential, i would hate to not being able to live up to the idea.


Thanks for reading.




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  • 9 months later...

that seems like a great idea i had a similar idea to build and create an entire snow elf city with functional custom snow elf npc that you could also down load a custom snow elf player character and the npcs guards and all would recognize you as being a snow elf like them and that gillabor and his brother would recognize you as well and change a few scripts where there are 300 too 800 new dialogue threw out the game where other npcs say for instance white run would recognize you as being a snow elf and either marvel at you or be annoyed or right out mean same in other areas all random go to the college of winterhold and they want to study you and you do a quest for some of them to find your city and 1 of 3 things could happen either you choose the dialogues that would keep your city safe they come study you and your city and leave peacefully or they come study and depending on how you played the quest line they come back and attack your city destroying it or almost the same as the 2nd option they attack but you prevent them from destroying the city and you go out andattack the other cities taking them over and eventually snow elfs come back to skyrim with random snow elf npc in the major cities and possibly even being able to turn these cities back into snow elf cities though it would ruin skyrims main questline and most likely not work who knows but you got a good idea sorry for no spaces or periods or anything english isnt my first language

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