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Vilja's leading?


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I cannot find anywhere in the dialogues to allow me to take back the lead from Vilja, as in Oblivion

She started to lead in Riverwood and I (wanting to go to High Hrothgar) took over as we seemed to be going west.

She asked repeatedly all the way there and even inside, whilst I was learning the shout, if she could lead again.

Also while putting down her bedroll.

This did become annoying after a time, I just had to ignore her and lead anyway.



I bought the house from, Katja? at Solitude farm. In the house there was no dialogue to tell Vilja "this is your bed" she didn't even come into the bedroom far enough. Not a big problem as she can use her bedroll

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When following get close enough to select her (E) then select "Stop it I've changed my mind" from the menu.


It isn't there! In 'Oblivion' it was a seperate dialogue line, not here. I have found it by accident, as she hadn't stopped asking to lead for two days now.

I selected it again 'Lead the way' although it was greyed out and there was the dialogues for Stop it I've changed my mind" and also "Let me lead for a brief time" So I need to select the Lead option again it seems.

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