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Railway Sniper? >.>


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One of my favourite weapons in the game is the Railway Rifle. The firing sound is mediocre at best, but I love the little train whistle that follows a round leaving the barrel. I also really love how it pins enemies heads, arms and legs to nearby walls after ripping them off, and there's just something really scary about something that shoots a railway spike. :D


I would love it if it could be given a scope and a very long, relatively narrow barrel extension to make it a sniper weapon (or have a sniper variant replacing the Reservist Rifle or Victory Rifle). >.> If it's unrealistic that a steam powered weapon could shoot that far, maybe make it a gauss rifle that fires the railroad spikes. :D (I LOVE watching them fly in VATS :D ) Though I wouldn't really like it if someone just made the sniper rifle fire spikes, that wouldn't be so cool. Wouldn't look as steampunk and nasty. :P

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Can someone tell me please where to find the last piece to make the railway gun? I think it was pressure cook or something? I travelled far and wide but never find one...


You can often find them sitting on top of stoves, but sometimes sitting on counters or shelves in closets. They're all over the place, really they are.

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