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New Maps


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You know, I realy don't want to nitpick. And I'm sorry for doing so now, but it has been bothering me somewhat. The lines of the map look realy sharp and pixelated. Like when you draw them in mspaint.


Did you draw your map in mspaint? Probably not, so sorry for the stupid question, it's just...

As a matter of fact, yes I did. This entire map was done using only mspaint, fastone image viewer and paint.net. I'm sure that other modders with more knowledge of how to make maps could do a much better job but I think it's a pretty good map considering I had to figure it out on my own.


If you want to read the tutorial click on the pellucidar banner in my signature. I'd like it if a few people tested it before I post it in the wiki or anywhere else. I am sure there is room for improvement

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Much appreciated - have a kudos from me. :) I'm trying to make a small worldspace for my own mod WIP (trying to expand my skills base) and this should be very handy.


Dang! I got a post AND kudo's from SickleYield!.....ME! imagine that, Thank you so much, just having an experienced modder like yourself comment on my method and tutorial is a true honor. I feel like I am actually on my way to becoming a modder myself now.

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