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Is Bethesda Corrupt (Skyrim DLCs and Updates)


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Businesses produce some kind or service or product for a fee


Expecting them to make product for no profit is silly


Expecting them to have never-ending projects is silly


Expecting them to not try to maximize return on investment is dumb


We have great modders here. For years, the idea of "if modders do this for free well then why do we pay for DLC"


Well first, people donate to modders. So don't tell me that modders 'do it for free' when you can donate to them


Secondly some people flatly don't use mods. You won't see them here- obviously


Thirdly if you don't like paying for games, DLC etc, don't buy them, wait for a better mod


Lastly, for every great modder there's three that releases nothing but half finished 'beta' product. We remember great modders and conveniently overlook bad modders. They exist


And the same old same old 'selling out, dumbing down' (thanks for reminding me, lol) arguments and jaded observations are derivative, bland, old and boring

Edited by Riprock
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Honestly I wonder why people go to a site dedicated to Skyrim if they seemingly hate Skyrim as well as Bethesda.


This is nothing compared to the Dragon Age site after DA2 was released.


Or the Mass Effect forums after ME3. Bethesda seems fairly lucky in the fan department. Speaking of Bioware, there was a great post by one of their devs in their forums regarding bugs and the difficulty of patching games across multiple platforms. He mentioned Bethesda as well, but of course I can't find it now (Google just turns up the one on SWOTOR, but this was long before that release).

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Honestly I wonder why people go to a site dedicated to Skyrim if they seemingly hate Skyrim as well as Bethesda.


This is nothing compared to the Dragon Age site after DA2 was released.


Same thing when Oblivion was released... that got down right scary

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Well first, people donate to modders. So don't tell me that modders 'do it for free' when you can donate to them



I do it for free expecting nothing in return, but accept donations. If you want to donate its your choice. If we were guaranteed a profit you could consider it a different story.

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Well first, people donate to modders. So don't tell me that modders 'do it for free' when you can donate to them



I don't even accept donations. In my mind, modding has always been a voluntary, free service. I don't like that it's being monetized through the Steam Workshop, and I'm not a huge fan of the fact that it's being monetized here. It's a slippery slope, and one that I think is best avoided.


Bethesda, on the other hand, is rolling in profits that far, far outweigh their development costs. They can afford to spend more time and money innovating and thoroughly bugtesting their products, but they choose not to. I don't have a lot of sympathy for a company that chooses flash over substance, and Beth is definitely going down that road.


I've been a fan of TES since the Daggerfall days, but there's a lot about Skyrim to be disappointed in. If another competitor steps onto the playing field and starts releasing quality, moddable, open-world RPGs, it's a safe bet that they're going to start getting my money (and time as a modder). Beth really needs to get their act together if they don't want to lose their traditional fan base.

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Well first, people donate to modders. So don't tell me that modders 'do it for free' when you can donate to them



I don't even accept donations. In my mind, modding has always been a voluntary, free service. I don't like that it's being monetized through the Steam Workshop, and I'm not a huge fan of the fact that it's being monetized here. It's a slippery slope, and one that I think is best avoided.


Bethesda, on the other hand, is rolling in profits that far, far outweigh their development costs. They can afford to spend more time and money innovating and thoroughly bugtesting their products, but they choose not to. I don't have a lot of sympathy for a company that chooses flash over substance, and Beth is definitely going down that road.


I've been a fan of TES since the Daggerfall days, but there's a lot about Skyrim to be disappointed in. If another competitor steps onto the playing field and starts releasing quality, moddable, open-world RPGs, it's a safe bet that they're going to start getting my money (and time as a modder). Beth really needs to get their act together if they don't want to lose their traditional fan base.


How is Steam Workshop monetizing mods? I've /never/ had to pay for a single mod from Steam Workshop.

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