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Removable/Lootable Underwear


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I use mods that leave characters nude upon removal of clothing. It's always bothered me that if I take someone's "Iron Armor" for example, they are left naked, as if that was all they were wearing. (Ouch!).


My idea was for all NPCs to have removable underwear. It would apply to most NPCs and be a clothing item that can be removed, or left if desired. Perhaps NPCs wearing fur armor, prisoner rags, etc., would not have this equipped.


I can see this possibly conflicting with underwear retexture mods.


Let me know what you think and if you think you could do it. It is a project that I would support for sure. I can see it being simple to just add lootable underwear to every NPC for better immersion with nude mods, but I don't know the first thing about the difficulty of making mods.

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Also, I'm not really interested in crafting underwear, just having all NPCs have underwear on that can be looted. That way my nude mods will still work, but it will add some realism, as well as the option to not leave every single NPC nude when I take their armor. :)
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