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a Tute or info on what's required to make new mods compatible older versions of game and vice versa?


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Hi all! As always, thanks for taking the time to read my post. Always appreciate every one of you!


I know that there's header information that needs to be changed, in order to make the versions compatible with each other.

But I haven't found a way to change that header info, to make the newer headers work with older games, and in the cases where it's needed, to make older headers work with the most recent game versions.

I've tried hunting around, but pretty much all of the search results end up being How to mod fallout 4 or some such unrelated topic.


Does anybody have some links to share, so that I can learn about this? It would very greatly be appreciated!





Edited by StormWolf01
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VlitS- As always, I value and appreciate your input. Thank you!

So really all it is, is just a version number?


Yes, I have the patcher bookmarked. I've recommended it on a few occassions :)


Much appreciated for the information VlitS! Thank you!

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I didn't do the testing, that was someone else on the xEdit discord, but my understanding is that the header version is the only problem.


If a mod makes use of the expanded FormID space (i.e. the ability to use xxx001 to xxx800) that won't work properly with older exe's, but the only ones who should even bother are people flagging their plugin as ESL, and even then most won't need to. The expanded range will actually work with non-ESL plugins, but there is no advantage for a normal plugin to use those FormIDs. So basically the only time to be concerned is if a mod author makes a mod with more than 2048 new records, and they want to only offer an ESL version of the mod.

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